Friday, February 16, 2024

STAR DAY FEB 16-17 I love YU sweet Acapella lyrics for SHARE ALL

STAR DAY FEB 17-18 MOON GEMINI ALDEBRAN SOLAR IN SCORPIO HERCULES and SUN STAR IN THE SOLAR KING CEPHEUS (SEE US) and the stories of lovers gamers and players i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i lovu LUV VU you i Do...its real and NU yu the luv yu lyrics paneaglesong AS IS it occurs to me your at the beginning of the solar day and america is at the end so my posts are always late and i would like to send them out early as you do ..not competing with you but joyning in I share the STAR DAY here feb 18 is the SUN AQUARIUS and Moon on ORION THE HUNTER dayz and star ALDEBRAN in Gemini while the SOLAR will be the 7TH DAY of Sagittarius/Ophiuchus healer into SWAN and Dolphin sea goat of the date 2.18. 5.7 final day of the week cycle and my share follows on the RECENT ECONOMIC AFFAIR story also..I live with a big gamer... your name eric the red game-are-on...ha star day report today febu 16 is about the healing of gamers players kelce swift affair kansas city shootings and endangered species humans and children being targeted which is also what KEVIN SMITH and DUNU talked about yesterday skype NU i think you'd find interesting too...It seems the media generated this entire fiasco or game result if you will....kelce and swift recognize their part even if they were and are being used as much as they also have all that identity and used it for themselves...backfired if you will and now heartbroken or notice still the attack on them is more than personal but the gift magi of investigating swift flight on jets or her objection to stealing of music rights is paramount to seeing the same american biz PORNOPOLY xxxx theft going on daily on all of us and the media goggly amerizona bozzo zuckerborg would make a great awareness lead to what is really going the paramount mistaken identity, ego narcissism and manopoly game which is quite opposite the tru reality life is and worked by the three headed god and its cohorts the influence and patri-idioticism to dominate or control and lead on an polluted or alienated virus attack or hack on us all. thus all these metaphors are like too real yet also not real anymore than the meteor crash they raise to have us afraid of the cosmos coming down on us sometime in the future or the same apocalyptic visions being made into movies constantly or the game choices we play or make which reveal the competitors but not the real hardwire runners underworld of the surface sticks in our heads like hypnotism and automatic robot behavior....just my take on this but the star rock music idea comes to me over the past 7 years to present the wildstock concert for freedom beauty and true tru cloud atlas alongside the real idea is about a unified NU Urth and Star world in maps or various solar positions which are posted in the hey paneaglesong youtube .....and i think now the bridge begins to be reached to the gamers players and social cultural third worlders or the nu economic system the dark controllers desperately want to maintain for themselves so its a conundrum...but i present the STARROCK as what if taylor and travis TA TA came on board with their money not to put it back into the corrupted but rather build a universal bank and nutron trust which the farmers too and we of all nations or even just NU AMERIA make which is the lands or spacer of AMERICA MEXICO CANADA and the Caribbean as one of 4 or 5 or 6 world continent spaces and the polar region too NU IN AS IF IT IS ON VIRTUAL NU Nations United which actually really support all players and participants without racial social cultural inter-national control conditions or domination which is really the whole issue not that we play games or record music creations or economic playing off MANOPOLY project for it is obvious war is never good, harming our environment shelter food or air water energy is abundant if used shared, and man against woman or any adversary does not win anything and extensive executive salary and bank accounting via self interest or interest banking has no real value place for who really needs millions of dollars except for huge jets and palaces of empty space worth nothing anyone really needs while so many have nothing and continue poverty in both rich and poor countries...yikes this IS but TA TA and others have got to be thinking about it when ten children and one football game make so little difference in the end result that the game plays on but we have to find each of us a REAL POSITION in the SOLAR FIELD OF LIGHT as A NUSTAR ourselves, or not if we so decide...that the NU CHOICE HERE to C....ANGEL EYES and Eric the Red it's a fUNDAY... to find a funDING business please share and lets see what happens...

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