Thursday, April 21, 2022



star date april 21 SOLARIS LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE and PANEAGLESONG VERSES We are calling you, the Universe ASCENSION is here, in the NU AEGIS HIGH LIGHT SONG of the NU ARC Verse 4:03 #c *Galactic Center g 9°44'42 A Sun b 1°59'11" 5 58'32" 0° 0' 1" S 12° 9'47" N B Moon j 14° 0'20" SUN 2 TAURUS Moon 14 Capricorn the VEGA star of DIRECTION Produce the music of life and the real URTH will be calling you SOULAR 14 scorpio the SOLIS of GALATIC 42 virgo, day of GOLDEN BEAR UNIVERSAL 20 AQUARIUS where the real universe begins and the old creation ends, what world do you want to know see and be the INDEPENDENT UNIFIED with the NU GUIDES and the GREAT UNIVERSIS of TRU REALITY LIFE ISniss Solunar MORNING sunsrise of gemini the sunset day night of CANCARE The GEMINI birds and songs of light, the evening in the soul of the good heart ON THE NU ARC WAVE and the ASCENSION program of the Galactic Human Creating the NUTRON BANK via the SOLAR STAR LOTTERY Becoming a NU STAR and building the REAL NU URTH SOLARIS'T predicts the lottery using the SOLAR HARMONIC method POWERBALL and all state or local and major international lotteries We provide the winning numbers to our group of world players Become AWARE and RECOGNIZE THE REAL ISNISS in THE REAL UNIVERSIS You are a being of Light. The WORLD INSURANCE BOONDOGGLE
Banking industry instrument of control and domination Build a vehicle that feeds off the poor and disability environment Enrich the coffers of the Rich through insurance and medical food fraud The inter-active virtual bank that prints money to support the DISABILITY E-Conomy The main double down of media electronic banking and cryptic accounting policy In the Insurance circle the middle class is charged both for social security medic-care and the supplement coverage MEDI-CAN and alll advertising delivery systems The interactive governance-business-and supply chain resource fund (food medical) The main idea EXPERIMENT includes covidity co-dependence and convulu-sion of humans and med-tech with both sides played against the middle where the CONTROLLERS live funding both the supply and demand chains with a rich operating principle of CO-DEPENDENCY This continues the business and even religion dominations which hold belief and faith in the same way we are made loyal to nation or race or sex as a conduit of the programmed populus and our inherent need to survive and will to live and even thrive USING DRUGS FOOD SEX AND MONEY and MEDIA MANIPULATION at all levels providing both the idea of reality and the reality we have allowed to exist and breathe in The same model in the insurance field is the food and electronic FEED It is a slavery and insufficiency dominion of DARK LORD BRAT LAW CONTROL (REPTILIANISM) we can see this in every avenue of existence, patrotism and persistence including the fields of glory (religion) love (spiritualism) and truth (IDEALISM) and there is no response or affective unity of mankind to combat ALIENATION This was and is the DOMINANCE program set in place since dawn of Man coded DNA The time of ASCENSION or full human development into a global ANDROID or Galactic Human is here although it seems it may be as much a part of the ALIENATION plan D'ESTINY the true ISTORY of MAN and the STAR ROCK LEGEND MYTH presents and
ALL THE SIGNS Who is Panu Gesus Einsign aka Hey Paneaglesong The namesake Peteoisis Marshallah Nustaradamus of 3 great astrologers THE STAR ROCK legend and the WILDSTOCK concert The 6 pointed star in the 60x SOL CHART The SOLARIS triple conjunct with Sun Solaris and GTC and the conjunct SOL / GAP 26 Sagittarius and 17 Gemini PANU’S 60’s decade progression SAGITTARIUS 19 to 26 Sagittarius The ANDROMEDAN CONNECTION and Betelguese opposite Galactic Center The Great Cross of the Uranus Chiron Jupiter Saturn The SOLAR CROSS of my Wife in PI-Seas the sign of the Cross THE SOLAR STAR and SOLARIS GOLDEN MEAN FORMULA The 3 GODZ and the 7 UNIVERSIS (LIFE REALMS) The FOUR DIMENSIONS of URTH and the Five points SOLAR STAR FIELD OF LIGHT The SOLAR UNIVERSAL SUUN ZODIAC and SOLARIS CALL-IN-YEAR The SOLUNAR 12 hour dayz, 13 SOLUNAR MONADS The true INTENT of the Living One and recognizing the Pure Water (Tru reality life IS) BECOME AWARE of the REAL UNIVERSIS How to Recognize the SIMULATOR OF CREATION The 4d holographic simulator matrix grid dimensia hypnographic experience The NUETRON BANK AND THE NU AMERAN THE JOY’NING REAL-LEGION AND NU ARC SYMPHONY THE NU NATIONS UNITED and the NU UNIVERSITIS How to build a NU Eco-nomy and Save the Pure NU NatUe PRESERVE the PLANET-URTH-Z and all NATURAL Environment

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Global crisis planned. Wars and disease designed for that.

escape is discovering your real connection to ALL LIFE and the ORIGINAL OR TRUE BEING OF LIGHT that is what you are, then keeping loyal with IT and ALL IS, that is recognition leading to your intent to be FULLY aware and not needing to require the control agenda lord over consciousness which is ALIENATION in this current effect of the un-illumined social and world constructed by whomever whatever NU U U and you may become a SEER then follow your dream visions...anywhere anytime you are being given this freedom and realization and only need BE with the ISNISS this IS in You YU and NU as the Tru Reality you recognize this from paneaglesong Hey and NU U WWWE world wide wake up...always freely shared no agenda and only a real PoirPoisee..

Friday, March 4, 2022

STAR DATE SOLAR ARC 304 2022 709.724

3 4 2022 STAR DATE 709 723 THE BRIDAL PATH (GOWN) OF NU FLORIVA We live in the TWIN RIVERS park where meets in the heart of Suwannee River Presenting the NU AEGIS from the Solarium Freeseum Gardeden Floriva The MOTHER OF G/O/D/ is really the PRESENTATION OF THE FUTURE NOW SOULAR ARC OF THE COVENANT WAKE OF THE FLOOD DAWN OF THE NU AEGIS with the 3 three wise men announce the END OF DAYZ and GESUS birth EINSIGN returns with Jimi Jon and Paul of the Disciples of the Chi-IS PSI-essence Of course these are metaphors, meta-physics of the simulator but also real events That is this is the same end of the OLD AEGIS as it is the FIRST day of the NU NOW There is no time or distance or separation anxiety or difference between anything nor event horizon or big bang ultimatum or end times orgasm GESUS as the AH-NU-Genesis or AEGIS of the enever IS-land of URTH is real But not in the form of religion saviour god belief idealism or even AI tech or mind concept thought principle law like moses hamurabi or Abraham nor aegis dei Of death to sinners paul martin or john (lennon or kennedy) humanity precedents This is the DAWN of MAN in 1969-2001-2025 realization of its NU ARC THE NU WILDSTOCK CONCERT is ALLWAYS ON from this day March 5 2022 Enjoy the concert of LIFE, Natural union with NATURE, plant a tree, make a SEED in Soil or by the CELL Discover You’r Real Position, Recognize your REAL AWARENESS LIVE with PURE INTENT of our own SOVEREIGNTY MAR 4 star date SOLARIS SUN 15 PISCES SOLS TAURUS URTH SUNRISE WHAT GIVES YOU PLEASURE, MAKES YOU FREE OR SHOWS YOU WHAT LIFE IS Moon IN ARIES joins with the Cassiopeia and Andromeda queens of SOUL(aria) The individual who takes themselves to activity in keeping with Unity or Universalism Enjoy athletic walking or dancing in song sound and nature as you will GEMINI SOLAR SUNSET CAPELLA THE MESSENGER CHARIOTS OF FIRE Travel and communications, knowledge being used for beneficial purposes The EMPATH Whale Caretakers are the SOLAR NATURE covenant of the NU ARC The D-line point of embarkation or dimensional references of the MULTI-real universIS This is the meta-verse of the multi-verse which only opens our doors of Real AWARENESS STAR DATE MARCH FORTH 342022 709.724 Sabian 15 pisces Readiness Though his cuffs were frayed and trousers crumpled and stained, he carried himself with a noble bearing. Today: If anything struck you as odd yesterday, something that did not seem to fit, today it may make strikingly good sense. Often dreamtime brings a harmonization to worldly perceptions. Think of it as the music behind the chock-a-block rational world. Be alert for a strange sense of being pulled in two directions. One has the feelings of joy and affection retreat; the other flows on musical streams of sensitivity: both are true. It is as if one would like to lean over and kiss the object of one's favour, but refrains instead in the cautious sharing of time together. Truth is, by desiring that embrace, it is effected already. SOLAR ALIGNMENT SUN ARCHENAR CONJUNCT JUPITER AND VENUS MARS CAPRICORN CONJUNCT ENTERS AQUARIUS THe RETURN OF GESUS PAN AND EINSIGN NEPTUNE CON SOLARIS AND SUN 2022 MARCH 5 WEEKEND OF THE NU UNUVURSAL URTH please awake and listen and share the SOULAR UNIVERSAL AND GALACTICIAN blogspot on this weekend and LEARN HOW TO KNOW YOUR REAL POSITION in the NU AEGIS (ANU GESUS) ..this is real.. THE NUURTH day in the NU ARC on the NU Wave Symphony WILDSTOCK Concert FREEDOM event of MARCH 5 weekend Let up let in Let on Let off Let IS Let it BE Recognize the REAL SIDE, Resurrect (Restructure) or Regenerate the Planet BUILD a Real position with the Urth in the REAL UNIVERSIS Be a Seer, Sing the NU U and Watch your Dream Visions Share the dark night, SEE the great Light, Let in Let of Let Be Give up our patrioidiocy marketing tragedies and illuminati alienating bodies Plant a SEED, plant a TREE, Be your real Nature Turn off electronics, share without money and keep the peace of Nature Avoid or deny controlling idea (Ideology religion marketing) There is no true religion education government marketing business ideas Discover the Real Stars, the Real Solaris and the Real UnuvursIS Free yourself from the controllers, Release the grid matrix prison, locked box planet And as much of your tap line attachments addictions as you can, or NOT… its all your choice and it was always your real position that matters You are as much the PAN, GESUS and EINSIGN as anyone The real Disciple SIDE-KICK, the GESUS real-legion and the EINSIGN Relativity Psi-en-tist APOSTATE of A-Genesis Exegis and Woodstock all leading to this moment 3 4 2022 STAR DATE 709 723 THE BRIDAL PATH (GOWN) OF NU FLORIVA We live in the TWIN RIVERS park where meets in the heart of Suwannee River Presenting the NU AEGIS from the Solarium Freeseum Gardeden Floriva The MOTHER OF G/O/D/ is really the PRESENTATION OF THE FUTURE NOW SOULAR ARC OF THE COVENANT WAKE OF THE FLOOD DAWN OF THE NU AEGIS with the 3 three wise men announce the END OF DAYZ and GESUS birth EINSIGN returns with Jimi Jon and Paul of the Disciples of the Chi-IS PSI-essence Of course these are metaphors, meta-physics of the simulator but also real events That is this is the same end of the OLD AEGIS as it is the FIRST day of the NU NOW There is no time or distance or separation anxiety or difference between anything nor event horizon or big bang ultimatum or end times orgasm GESUS as the AH-NU-Genesis or AEGIS of the enever IS-land of URTH is real But not in the form of religion saviour god belief idealism or even AI tech or mind concept thought principle law like moses hamurabi or Abraham nor aegis dei Of death to sinners paul martin or john (lennon or kennedy) humanity precedents This is the DAWN of MAN in 1969-2001-2025 realization of its NU ARC THE NU WILDSTOCK CONCERT is ALLWAYS ON from this day March 5 2022 Enjoy the concert of LIFE, Natural union with NATURE, plant a tree, make a SEED in Soil or by the CELL Discover You’r Real Position, Recognize your REAL AWARENESS LIVE with PURE INTENT of our own SOVEREIGNTY MAR 4 star date SOLARIS SUN 15 PISCES SOLS TAURUS URTH SUNRISE WHAT GIVES YOU PLEASURE, MAKES YOU FREE OR SHOWS YOU WHAT LIFE IS Moon IN ARIES joins with the Cassiopeia and Andromeda queens of SOUL(aria) The individual who takes themselves to activity in keeping with Unity or Universalism Enjoy athletic walking or dancing in song sound and nature as you will GEMINI SOLAR SUNSET CAPELLA THE MESSENGER CHARIOTS OF FIRE Travel and communications, knowledge being used for beneficial purposes The EMPATH Whale Caretakers are the SOLAR NATURE covenant of the NU ARC The D-line point of embarkation or dimensional references of the MULTI-real universIS This is the meta-verse of the multi-verse which only opens our doors of Real AWARENESS STAR DATE MARCH FORTH 342022 709.724 Sabian 15 pisces Readiness Though his cuffs were frayed and trousers crumpled and stained, he carried himself with a noble bearing. Today: If anything struck you as odd yesterday, something that did not seem to fit, today it may make strikingly good sense. Often dreamtime brings a harmonization to worldly perceptions. Think of it as the music behind the chock-a-block rational world. Be alert for a strange sense of being pulled in two directions. One has the feelings of joy and affection retreat; the other flows on musical streams of sensitivity: both are true. It is as if one would like to lean over and kiss the object of one's favour, but refrains instead in the cautious sharing of time together. Truth is, by desiring that embrace, it is effected already. SOLAR ALIGNMENT SUN ARCHENAR CONJUNCT JUPITER AND VENUS MARS CAPRICORN CONJUNCT ENTERS AQUARIUS THe RETURN OF GESUS PAN AND EINSIGN NEPTUNE CON SOLARIS AND SUN 2022 MARCH 5 WEEKEND OF THE NU UNUVURSAL URTH please awake and listen and share the SOULAR UNIVERSAL AND GALACTICIAN blogspot on this weekend and LEARN HOW TO KNOW YOUR REAL POSITION in the NU AEGIS (ANU GESUS) ..this is real.. THE NUURTH day in the NU ARC on the NU Wave Symphony WILDSTOCK Concert FREEDOM event of MARCH 5 weekend Let up let in Let on Let off Let IS Let it BE Recognize the REAL SIDE, Resurrect (Restructure) or Regenerate the Planet BUILD a Real position with the Urth in the REAL UNIVERSIS Be a Seer, Sing the NU U and Watch your Dream Visions Share the dark night, SEE the great Light, Let in Let of Let Be Give up our patrioidiocy marketing tragedies and illuminati alienating bodies Plant a SEED, plant a TREE, Be your real Nature Turn off electronics, share without money and keep the peace of Nature Avoid or deny controlling idea (Ideology religion marketing) There is no true religion education government marketing business ideas Discover the Real Stars, the Real Solaris and the Real UnuvursIS Free yourself from the controllers, Release the grid matrix prison, locked box planet And as much of your tap line attachments addictions as you can, or NOT… its all your choice and it was always your real position that matters You are as much the PAN, GESUS and EINSIGN as anyone The real Disciple SIDE-KICK, the GESUS real-legion and the EINSIGN Relativity Psi-en-tist APOSTATE of A-Genesis Exegis and Woodstock all leading to this moment
MARCH 4 COMMENT on CHIRON RETURNS have chiron at 3 capricorn conjunct mercury and trine virgo rising on REGULUS STAR OF NAVIGATION... as the Galactician i ALSO have the sun conjunct GTC and mY sol at 17 gemini is conjunct Capella and the sol of the great attractor... this is a WOW because I also have a grand cross square in my progressed chart this lifetime but especially this decade with chiron uranus jupiter and saturn in leadership signs at 10 and 14 degrees which aligns with USA SUN as the one Universal SOLARIST. creator SOLASTRY solar arts Chiron returned to initiate this presentation 7 years ago I am only now truly discovering the breadth depth and wholeness of what this all is... I sent you another note a day ago, let me say the actuality of the planets is not their physical dominion that creates our reality or gives us opportunity, but it is a realization of this true reality which we can choose to accept now, because it is our creation and then it is do as thou the point of view is not to be a cause in effect creation, but rather to see this unity of ALL IS that we R and so You R that which it is, not a creator or manifestor or differential but much much more and not any of these words or ideas...a BEING OF LIGHT thus recognizes itself, and IS of ALL IS, as all IS itself ..... So this MARCH 5 2022 is the announcement of the first DAWN OF NU AEGIS or the NU URTH NU Universal Day and the return of Pan Gesus and Einsign is already here and always has been..time is naught, and space only a differential we observe from our own relative outpost and each of us with our original 12 strand DNA can begin to assume or become this, way beyond our limited 2 strand or 3D human scope....this not a HORRORSCOPE then unless we choose to allow the old aegis to dominate our perception, which it is currently doing...all ALIENATIONS of the old AEGIS (AH GENESIS) ..galactician blogspot This is the DAWN of MAN in 1969-2001-2025 realization of its NU ARC THE NU WILDSTOCK CONCERT is ALLWAYS ON from this day March 5 2022 Enjoy the concert of LIFE, Natural union with NATURE, plant a tree, make a SEED in Soil or by the CELL Discover You’r Real Position, Recognize your REAL AWARENESS LIVE with PURE INTENT of our own SOVEREIGNTY

Friday, February 18, 2022

STAR DATE FEB 18 2022 great video STARROCK VOICES prose story


Monday, February 14, 2022


LIGHT AND SOUND feb 14 star date Video ANOTHER FINE SONG on the Light and Sound What is Real and Being NatUral (NU U) with ALL LIFE Song LIGHT and SOUND written prior to 2000 by paneaglesong eagle works and pandata2000 music invitation to all musicians from this songwriter to play perform share care create use develop transform SAVE THE WORLD and YOURSELF..Be Creative and Live Well sing from the Exegis music series see solrocker blogspot wwwe world wide educators NU U U

STAR DATE February 14 THE REAL VALENTINES DAY MOON IN LEO the SNAKE the serpent of healing or vibratory fulfillment and protection against evil spirits (the mind passions) SOLUNAR LEO SUNRISE of the GOLDEN BEAR and SOLUNAR VIRGO DAY AND SUNSET evening leads the OWL WORK ETHIC and WISE NAVIGATION PRINCIPLES Are we going to continue to accept the authority of big business and newest tech or gov.control medicine and drug dominions? THE PROCUREMENT OF THE FLOCK BY THE SHEPHERD by PANGESUSEINSIGN and more WILDSTOCK CONCERT preview to the NU AEGIS Sabian 26 aquarius HYDROMETER of it’s WATER BEARING CAPACITY to predict our place in the UNIVERSE, discover NU Universal positioning THE HYDROMETER how to recognize our level of emotional commitment, the METERING of mankind in AI terms and control AS LONG AS ASTROLOGERS hold to the old calendar and the SEVEN PLANET SATURNINE SYSTEM DOMINION of the controllers will hold sway and be EMPOWERED by our agreement SOULAR 15 LIBRA is in harmony with the Universal center WOMEN are the Respectors of this UNIVERSAL CONDITION There is a growing conviction in AMERICA of a very controlled influence at work, the SATURNINE conditioning program set in place and yet we also recognize this SATAN program domination JUST bEING AWARE allows love and presence of mind soul and spirit THUS to realize even if these higher octave qualities are not in clear evidence of in effect The cause and effect creation has been recognized, and this CURRENT REALUTION is ON even as the base condition is clearly very human and particular, if not despondent to its real touch MARCH 5 2022 WILDSTOCK RETURN CONCERT AND LIVE EVENT Although the original 2019 WILDSTOCK was posted in AUGUST on Woodstock 50 years on No one was listening and what resulted was the very next month the COVID viral infusion ALIENATION program was initiated This year the event of WILDSTOCK is even more important, and the likely hood of it being ignored is great and the result of not accepting it is even more dire and distressful as the ALIENATION and AI takeover increasing expands They say istory repeats itself and that man is doomed to repeat his mistakes, but this is only the repetition program in place There is no certainty of the end game, but we can say the dissolving of the simulator that is the matrix code program is AS LIKELY as the GESUS return and the END OF DAYS With the general view of conditioned DEATH or REGENERATION into a new programmed species, no one can say the third STATION will not be accepted One thing man has is a will to survive, and this potential to become NUMANITY in the third dimension, beyond the control matrix game is also a real OUTCOME Our choice as beings in the third dimension is always one of these, a FREE WILL decision, a MATRIX CODE agreement, or a VIRTUAL reality acceptance Man originally had 12 DNA STRANDS, long time ago when we first arrived as cellular genome seeds in the WILDSTOCK OF URTH And this which is now but 2 DNA STRANDS must at least re-evolve into at least 3 of not a FULL 7 STRAND DNA (THE SEVENTH CHORD) of SOULAR BEINGS (NUMANITY) The entry into and opening door to the 4D dimension of emotion and astral awareness and influences (INFLUENZA doctrine of the DARK LORD controllers) occurred in the 60’s This original WOODSTOCK revival of the peace love and music or freedom. ethos and naturalism was filled with problematic issuance such as DRUGS, SEX AND ROCK AND ROLL The war being fought between east and west was profiled as the issue which was never resolved, only expanded into global awareness and the context of nationalism and patriotic-oddysey That is the coincident address of a UNIVERSAL AWARENESS being born or given a house and place in the world consciousness, albeit mostly abstracted or convoluted while it must also grow Now into the sixty years on we arrive at the next level rather quickly something akin to the COMPUTER evolution geometrically progressing and universally dominant This of course has been taken over by the korportate state of media money madness and drugs sex and energy consumption and co-dependence on government, religion, and nationalism This leads us to CHOICE again every day, and to the major chords of the century from 1965 to 2025 and the year of D’ESTINY as to the direction in the NU AEGIS towards 2037 and 2060 The Universal DESTINY of man is quite different, but whether human beings will see this in virtual or humanistic terms, or worldly and thusly controlled intelligence of AI is the serious question This year as WILDSTOCK and NU UNIVERSAL DAY APPROACH, we have the opportunity or the ADVANCEMENT alongside the obvious degradation of infra-structure and infiltration of ALIENATION It is wise to see this is history repeating as it did in ATLANTIS and throughout all cultures and destiny of the human condition or WE SHALL OVERCOME is highlighted Just as ARTHUR CLARKE AND 2001 LED US TO 2010 and then 2060 in his books of the series, as well as childhoods end with its space dimension evolution of the INDIGO children into LIGHT This here is the AWARE becoming of the TRU REALITY LIFE IS, or the ROCK WORLD ARMEGEDDON which first occurred some 6 million years ago and again 60,000 years up to our NOW The ideas being used today of multiculturalism and racism, global pandemic vaccination, and economic cleansing genocide popular are the GORILLA IN OUR MIDST and MONSTERS OF THE MIDWAY We are still being given or providing the REAL NU U and NU URTH even as the same issues of human global and social conditioning persist and even expand Through competition media attachment and co-dependence the position of control and monitoring by the AI KOP BRATS and ZOMBIE ANDROID ROBOTICS The same use of tools and language the acceptance of national sex and race modeling and the evidence of cultural conditioning ad nauseum shows the level of AGREEMENT we face So we now have the choice what song we will hear and the Godspell VOICE of G.O.D. and the SOLAR sphere or the NUDDHA sound of SILENCE and the NU U URTH song This month is this WILDSTOCK REGENERATION THEME with the 21 day countdown to WILDSTOCK event on the first Saturday MARCH and will repeat in JULY AND OCTOBER The ASTRAL EVENTS of note are NEPTUNE CONJUNCT SUN AND JUPITER MARCH APRIL Neptune opposite NEPTUNE and PLUTO CONJUNCT PLUTO in USA CHART in FEBRUARY 2022 As the REVOLUTION has begun, which I call the REALUTION and time of REVEALATION, the NU GENESIS has begun Here note the 3D STRAND which was born in the last century, and now includes the 4d STRAND of DNA REC0DE which man thinks is his technology advancement, but it is not. This presented by and the SOL ROCKER HEY PANEAGLESONG on yutubby
As your always right on your STAR LINEUP of positions..this JUP NEP SUN conjunct also incudes a VENUS MARS conjunction on march 5 2022, which makes it a super DAY AND RARE comin out of the COVIDITY matrix and its blockade on the ALIENATION.. but also the break out is about THE MASS OF HUMANITY waking up to the REAL UNIVERSIS and also the great AWARENESS and yes all of those other words which you share...YET the real vehicle is in the NUMANITY or REAL HUMAN beings of Light, going beyond limitation and really showing the great creativity that each of us IS and yet not being able to USE because of the control grid domination which we are becoming aware of as a whole, but only beginning to see in this year and the NEW JUP NEP era which lasts 164 or so years...the last then in 1860 which sparked the first level of freedom due to the civil war slavery and great cycles of invention since then industrial technology and humanistic global...but now its the move to the universalism of the real numanity which we need to grasp because the world disease and mistaken identity of human only perspectives and our tunnel vision 3 dimensional world which is not the REAL URTH or tru UniversIS despite our human literal concepts..which we havebeen taught for 5000 years in some limited form and space god we can become the real creator not just a creator of our own personal experience... part 2 THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY revelation which is that the aquarian universal view of the age of aquarius is somehow of real freedom whereas its actually of the control AI alienation and dominoin of the alien space god or principle which was laid down in the OLD AEGIS BY ZEUS, the old sumerian and thus babylon or christian and greco roman science and religion belief systems of what reality is, a matrix code dominion not the REAL UNIVERSIS which is not a label control system or star sun system either..yet we are only now beginning to develop or realize this REAL AWARENESS of the REAL URTH AND NUMANITY,..this can be realized in the NU U U and seeing our DREAM VISIONS or the SOLARIS the SOLAR ISNISS that is within some of all sciences and astrologies but its really something beyond creation..we are going to come to this far more independent and true fully pure recognition..each of us has the opportunity but by 160 years on we all will have come to it and abandon the old lifetimes cycle in this wide wake up...yes the NU AEGIS IS HERE and as the one universal solarist galactician HEY PANEAGLESONG i share it and welcome all to realize know or be in the TRU REALITY LIFE IS... of the REAL SUUN of your whole SOLARIS...and this NU Aegis NOW on skype invitation 10am EST every day ...(not a sale marketing or religion or psychic development program)... real Universal HELLO from Pan..thaks Molly for leaving this on and reading...sharing if you will...


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

WOW OH STAR DATE FEBRUARY 9 GREAT DAY henrydavidthoreau Wildstock event


WE ARE LOOKING FOR A RADIO STATION AND ALSO A SKYPE SPONSOR for this EVENT to broadcast .... request To the  SAY-CHA STONERS AND GO-REAL-ALL NETWORK and ALL NU FRIENDS of NU URTHI am HEY PANEAGLESONGas the PRESCIENT OF NU AMERAI declare this NU DAY MARCH 5 2022 as NU UNIVERSAL URTH DAYPLANT A TREE SAVE THE PLANET FREE THE REAL PEOPLE VIRTUAL AND REAL GATHERINGS WORLD WIDE  in FLORIVA GARDEDEN FREESEUM SOLARIUM (FUGS or FLORIVA UNIVERSAL GARDEN SPRINGS)near suwannee river BLUE POTT SPRINGS TWIN RIVERS PARKThis is the FIRST of THREE LIVE EVENTS in 2022WILDSTOCK concert burning man festival plant the forestsspring break rainbow tribe gathering flash mob and NUMAN world wide wake up call"IF EVERY PERSON PLANTS 10 TREES ON ONE DAY, WE CAN REBUILD THE ENTIRE FOREST FIELD OF AMERA-again!!! P.S let the WORLD GET IN ON THIS NU ACTION UNITED .. TIMELINE as the SUN CONJUNCTS JUPITER and VENUS CONJUNCTS MARS MARCH 5  BETWEEN MIDNIGHT 72 HOURS of - 1AM on MARCH 5 on DATELINE to 11PM-MIDNIGHT OF FEB 6 in HAWAII  This note IS part of the FEBRUARY 9 STAR DATE 209.709.202the SOLAR WEEK of the 13 libra NORTHERN CROWN AND THE AURORA BOREALIS  MOON STAR IS ALDEBERAN the ALL BRAN of GEMINI ORION the hunter as the world watches the OLYMPICS, the communications and real world connection is UTILIZEDof course we must be aware of the control media domination programand the real OLYMPICs of becoming AWARE (AND the WAR for EARTH) in our local system SOULAR SIGN OF THE DAY TAURUS URTH ANNOUNCEMENTSThe UNIVERSE AND URTH unify and share the universeIS naturallySOLUNAR RISE DAY VIRGO THE VOICE OF THE NAVIGATORWhy the powers that be really don't care about the REAL YOUHow to combat the SILICON AI A-lienation A-FFECTionusing your mind attention and emotional attachment to control US SOLUNAR SUNSET Night of the REAL WOMAN with the signs LIBRA and GEMMA, the MESSIAH touches your heartThe peace love beauty and diamond SOL magnificent LIVE IN BEAUTYsocial graces and REAL CULTURAL UNITY shared by many(the MESSIAH is the messier complex of galaxies (G.O.D)  find out what the NU GUIDES are really up to on the REAL SIDEDO THE NU U ....USING THE NUSING (NU-U SING) SOUND SONGand WATCH YOUR DREAM VISIONS...Everyone on the planet is connected to the REAL UNIVERSISThis connection is direct and immediate with NU U Uand it gives us the UNIVERSAL UNITY and real NatUre Naturallywith NU NATIONS UNITED and the NU URTH (real natural environment) find this on and for all faiths sciences religions nations studies schools groups peoples races sexes this note will be part of the FEBRUARY 9 STAR DATE Hey Paneaglesong IS ON youtube EVERY DAY SOLARIS STAR DATE and skype SOLAR STARWATCH THE WILDSTOCK CONCERT 2020 VIDEOS playlist on youtube between FEBRUARY 9 and MARCH 3 (FLORIDA BIRTHDATE)paneagle playlists include JIMI HENDROCKS last album HEY PANEAGLESONG greatest hitsDISCOVER the NU U and WWWE world wide educators (wake up call)and the REAL UNIVERSIS and OUR real nature ENVIRONMENTand learn to be a SEER in the OCEANIS on the Enever enevergreen and the golden mean NU WAVE The SOLAR-IS Star Field of Light with SOLARIS STAR DATE as Solar Universals in the REAL CALL-IN-YEAR (formerly calendar) SOLASTRY solar arts of LIFE and NU-TECH LEARN living education arts of real nature the powers that be dont want this to happen, so YES lets MAKE IT SOand only act in real accord or AGREEMENT of what is TRUE AND REAL with respect our NATURAL ENVIRONMENT ..HERE IT IS... no need for GO-REAL-ALL combat conflict or confrontation E post from paneagle7  of the G    (FANtastic)on skype at NU AEGIS NOW

Friday, February 4, 2022

Sing your freedom - Freedom Rally 2022 - Whiteheart

WILDSTOCK BLUE POTT SPRINGS MUSIC PROJECT THE POSITIONS OF 3 UNIVERSALS as gravity well centers (GALACTIC CENTER..messier complex MSI and the GPA great or prime ATTRACTOR.. these and ANDROMEDA rule our locale existence at the 4Dimensions and the so called GOLDEN MEAN is the 7th D or whole ISNISS of the UniversIS... yet even this is not enough to touch the ISNISS that is simply TRU REALITY LIFE we share this with NU U U as a NEXT UNIVERSAL STAGE for the ALL IS building a NU URTH in the NU UNIVERSIS we may say is just to recognize THE ALL ISNISS and beyond the math science or mind ideas and psyche of creation models, here we are in the REAL... I am HEY PANEAGLESONG founder STAR ROCK LEGEND, SEEOCEANIS SEERS and PRESCIENT OF NU AMER all of which are unknown to the mentats and mind maniacs of the AI WORLD being THE ALIENATION projectus but can we wake up to this TRULY or head into the virtual prison matrix and its GRAVITY WELL or ENTROPY state BRAT PACK RAT TRAP..whatever the words are.. there is something beyond them meanwhile this REALUTION is on and the REVEALATION is our CHOICE TO DISCOVER and how well HUMANITY will prosper or failure is dependent on US.. so I share the NU UNIVERSALISM with the 3 GDZ (gods of space time) in the 4D levels of the 5D SOULAR CALL-IN0-YEAR as the NU AEGIS NOW by galactician blogspot HEY PANEAGLESONG and SOLARIS (SOLAR ARTS) MARCH 5 2022 the first day of the first month of the WILDSTOCK and NU UMAN URTH wwwe world wide wake up call NU ARC SYMPHONY WE ARE NOW ON TO THE WILDSTOCK CONCERT BURNING MAN RAINBOW BRIDGE PLANT A TREE URTH DAY FLASH MOB SAVE THE WORLD WIDE FREEDOM EVENT MARCH 5 2022 HELD LIVE IN FLORIVA TWIN RIVERS PARK AND INVITATION TO ALL WHO WATCH THIS to create make this the REAL NU DAY where all the planet people plant trees or animals gather virtually or in the REAL SIDE and here in this public medium or with HEY PANEAGLESONG on the freeseum gardeden solarium SITE on this weekend with JUPITER CONJUNCT SUN AND VENUS CONJUNCT MARS in the FIRST DAWN OF DEGREE AQUARIUS ZERO POINT yes this is REAL... WITH THE star rock DISCIPLES and ARMEGEDDON BAND OF SURVIVORS Erock Clapton and TREE-FLOCK with STEVIE WONDER ON movieson bonnie Riot ALL IS MAN BROTHERS DEAD LESH and FRIENDS AFTER THE DELUGE with jackson browne and david Lindley THE STONED with MICK JAGGED TRAFFIC WITH STEVI WINWOOD STEVI KICKS STEVIE WONDERFULL JAM TAYLOR TYLER AND EROSMITH bryan ferry pretenders WALSH AND STARR Pat Benatar and the AFTER THE 80S LIFE BANDS U2 FOO FIGHTERS BLOCK SAVE BATH WATER and THE HEY paneaglesong ENEVER BAND with SANTANA Doobies eagles Fleetwood mac Dylan and his band and the casts of 2000 MUSIC LIVERS Give us back our copyrights and let us have the sun wildstock slight return

Thursday, February 3, 2022


THE great wildstock concert rainbow bridge gathering burning man fest four seasons plant a tree save the planet are you experienced flash mob events SOLARIS MUSIC PEACE LOVE COMPASSION HUMANITARIAN UNIVERSALIST March 5th 2022 FIND A WAY TO BE PART OF CREATE MANIFEST SHARE LIVE LOVE LEARN ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER TURN TURN TURN AFTER THE GOLD RUSH IMAGINE AMAZING GRACE To UNIFY A PLANET PEOPLE WORLD AND NATURE WITH THE REAL UNIVERSIS NISS When hippies become HIP EYES and rednecks become REAL Mates When conservatives let it be and liberals become make it real When everyone pitches in and makes everyday ready ALL LIVE ON the planet When the groups become groupies and play the day together When those who are scorching the earth stop burning the fires And those who would pollute the air water soil and psyche think about stopping what they do A day when money for survival is not made a concern or necessary and the corporation monopolists give freely back and share equally This is the live aids soldier vet end racism vote for equality give peace a chance event of the decade And its happening now, and in the four seasons of 2022 spring summer fall and winter of MARCH 5, MAY 30, July 4 and OCTOBER 3

Monday, January 31, 2022

Waking the Sleeping Giant


Sunday, January 30, 2022


Who do you love and the NU U song There comes a time when after the deluge we must go all along the watchtower This takes us to the rainbow bridge, where we may follow the Sun and Imagine In the count of the crimson king to find the foundation on dune of echoes In the lost chord to question the balance in nights of white satan of the seventh sojourn and combat in from the 1969 to 2001 to 2010 and 2060 as the lord of the rings and the childhood’s end to deliverance and zabriskies point the ALIENATION and COVIDITY as we confront REPTILINIAism and our human DIMENSIA on WALDEN POND in SILENT SPRING of the THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS from the emerald forest fly away home to field of dreams and lost horizon the black stallion of Siddhartha and the fly away home lathe of heaven in the river of stars of the oceanIS the REAL URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS this the SHARIYA of the STRANGER BY THE RIVER and TIGERS FANG of ECK VIDYA the SPIRITUAL NOTEBOOK beyond the BIBLE KORAN and TAO TE CHING TO the ADVENTURIS SERIES of DUANE HEPPNER and REBISAR TARZS to become the NUDHHA and NUMAN in NUALLIS as the ONE LOVE NU URTH in REAL UNIVERSIS THE focus of our attention and HOW TO KNOW OUR UNIVERSAL POSITIONING There are likely three worlds or realms of focus, one is the SUN AND MOON WORLDS (Sun and Moon signs) Second is the SOLUNAR or second sun of the ASTRAL or 4th Dimension of HEART or emotion (SOL SIGNS) Third is the mind or SOULAR of the GTC which is our individual Universal position (SUUN sign) But beyond these worlds is the SOLARIS where our realm of true reality LIVES Now we don’t need the identifiers or signs or references or the whole SOL-ARIS or a cosmological point Although they can and are helpful identifiers to each position and our TRU REALITY LIFE IS So the human becomes NUMAN, and humanity becomes NUMANITY THE TRU UNIVERSALIS As we discover our real process of real education of non literal non personal self identity And begin to share and speak write teach or immerse and immerge in the NU U and NUDDHA And be of the WWWE the world wide educators which are knowing ALL IS in the NU-AH-AL-IS The SEERS of the SEE OCEANIS and the PRESCIENTS of NU U and ALL INASIFITISONIZ And on URTH as the PRESCIENTS of NU AM NU OZ NU EU and NU PANU in the NU AEGIS This is to recognize our real intention and the real awareness of the TRU REALITY LIFE IS Here there is no authority no masters saviors dimensions realms books stories ideas psyche or mind emotion body There is no reference or relation or position or constant other than ALL IS and No Numerative or Number or UNITY ENTROPY nor group or membering or locality place time space or monitor For all this the question only WHO DO YOU LOVE is this choice of the moment NU U U and NU YU as NUUU UUUUU and follow your dream visions to SHINE LIKE THE SUN This I SHARE in the paneaglesong verses and the D’ESTINY double trilogy AS a NU UNIVERSITIS of the WWWE world wide educators In the WORLD WIDE WAKE UP CALL which is always ON the REAL SIDE
Planet HIGH NUNE Projects for NU U U and WWWE ….NU AEGIS NOW AND REEL TO REAL, DOUBLE JEOPARDY COMEDY FACE OFF AND PLANET NUNE ideas I am doing a call at 10Am est ...7 am pst which is humourly your world wide wake up morning show it is on the NU AEGIS NOW on skype group and i ring you as part of group call for now andrew rambe is the only responder so its been about music and health but also the NU U and our real experience I am exploding with ideas and we are discussing some of them or why we are considering them reel to real is also on mondays at 3pm est noon in PST so I hope you can join us using the NU AEGIS NOW skype II have also an idea for a DOUBLE JEOPARDY or COMEDY FACE OFF show This would take the jeopardy category questions and make up funny answers with a set of 4 players who would make jokes and then get rated for the level of HUMOR or win the dollar prize amount (not real money)... in the GREAT COMEDY OF LIFE this is a winner... SMILE.... lets talk about manifesting something real.. SO i also thought of the WILDSTOCK CONCERT AND RAINBOW GATHERING BURNING MAN GREAT trips PLAN A tree flash mob EVENT on march 5 2022 in centered stage of FLORIVA here in the TWIN RIVERS state park of the SUWANNEE WITHLACOOCHIE RIVER basin this will happen in some form VIRTUALLY or FUR..REAL ... I need various tree planting groups to become aware, a spontaneous gathering could occur with visitors doing the NO FOOTSTEPS as you GO..DO NO HARM and RECOVER OUR REAL NATURE concdpt ISNT THIS SO ,,,,CUUL ??? NU U U IS... here is an interesting PAGE on the PETER PAN ISTORY I wrote this author and hope to hear back from him.. if you requests to have others communicate back is about 0.1 percent out of 100 attempts I am not kidding, its that bad.. nonetheless I know its not about ME AT ALL ... WE CAN DO THE PETER PAN in NU ENEVERLAND REAL TO REEL next monday january 30 3pm est noon california or movies of similar like alice in wonderland...and the subject is related depiction of childrens characters that use native tribes or natural people in a rather stigmatized or alienated way and the stratosphere of DISENFRANCHISEMENT and strategy of social cultural consciousness as well all references to the NU U and WWWE NU UNIVERSITIS ALSO doing a comic book of the NU MAN and NU ADVENTURIS SERIES IS also possible how about that? THE PETER PAN STORY AS neverland and our land SUCKER-BORG and his VIRTUAL REALITY OF HUMANITY A TRU BLOOD SUCKER is a REPT-ALIEN who would DIS-enfranchise humanity in a ROBOTIZED virtual reality the ultimate ECONOMIC battle for survival of our SOULS Cells and Soils of Earth fighting against any NATURALISM BIOsphere and AIR Atmosphere or the Hydrosphere vs the Hypersphere of the Meta Verse where any real tru WORLD WIDE EDUCATOR WWWE would and should fear to tread, where there is no following the SUCKER BORG to freedom or truth in the REPTILIAN LAW of Copyrights and VIRTUAL MEDIA programming and COUNTING DOWN TO ARMEGEDDOM and AI DOMINATION If you feel reptilianized or recognize the PAN-indemic in NEVERLAND of social cultural and human ALIENATION, You’r seeing the GAME of life being played out in our BI-POLAR BRAIN and likey as not, unwilling or unable to pay attention to the TRU REALITY LIFE IS This IS ther agenda shared with BHELLGATE and BOZZOS and the other MURDOCKTERS and MAN-INSANITY MERSICKS and GO-EK-HO’S of PAD-VERTISING Thus if you will read between the lines, see the REAL TRU TRU and discover the CLOUD ATLAS of the WWWE and NUUUU presentation is here for you We have no agenda, idea or control principle, no business government media marketing religion or REAL-LEGION of enslaved prison planet populations WE DO have the NUminator who would not capitalize on your input or free share input into the system which only returns you controlled Monopoly And WE DU have the NUETICS or REAL NU-TECH of the tru reality LIFE IS and to SING NU U U in the REAL NU-UNIVERSIS of the REAL URTH That is we are ALIVE REAL AND TRUE, PURE to our SOLAR-ISNISS and NU-MANITY with the NU U presentation and WWWE SOLAR IS research vessel This report from HEY paneaglesong and the TREASURE TREE, as the PANU GESIS EINSIGN of the one Universal Solarist Galactician This is the SOLAR IS TODAY STAR DATE SHOW and Professor CATFUN With the Mister Rogers style of REAL SOLASTRY and SOLAR ARTS This is a SOLAR MANSION of the GREAT NU-MANISM which is only the counter and balance of the REAL SIDE

Thursday, January 20, 2022

STAR DATE JAN 20 Solaris home rhythm paneaglesong

JAN 20 FLA Star date Solunar sunrise of the ARIA the activist or natural numan in positive well directed activity Solunar sunset of the TAU in the archive of sound and light, visible light in the URTH or human in nature BREATH as the OCEAN with the sound NU U U softly calmly in each in and out breath in the Rhythm of the ocean THE SOULAR today position of the CAPRICORN SWAN , making the most of REAL DEVELOPMENTS AND TRUE PRODUCTION The Capricorn is universal functional and purposeful, often consecrated or concentrated and concerned or conservative, conserving nature The SOULAR SUUN signature of the SWAN and DOLPHIN as the bird of HANSA or BEAUTY in the pure being ISNISS Sabian 1 aquarius an old adobe mission in california Moon day STAR REGULUS and asterism of Virgo the signature of the OWL color green musician Michael Jackson “human nature” your love is magical special song Trying to break free of cultural convention..the CELESTIAL NAVIGATOR at the helm, steering the ship CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN building the natural world one tree at a time and one numan on the deck (world surfing) The wildstock concert for the EMERALD FOREST, where the NATURAL environment is our major concern The original mission statement of the NU UNIVERSAL NUMAN, what is your true intention Building a food forest or celestial garden of light, the keys to the natural kingdom are always in our hands The original abode mission in California was a secure and protected space or IS-LAND of the PANU or Palunesian The lemurians have kept a mission alive within the planet in the area around MT SHASTA The law of cause and effect can be transformed or terra formed, if you will, to find the TRU REALITY LIFE IS The act of LOOK SEE AND DO, or BE SEE and KNOW, this acute performance of bringing light into your project The missions are places where the NU community can become a reality The wildstock tree concert project in TWIN RIVERS PARK, FLORIVA, on the border of Georgia/Florida ALL NATURAL NUMANITY invitation to all camp share RAINBOW FLASH MOB TO camp undisturbed to hike the natural trail, plant a tree, and leave the space unharmed and rejuvenated, design date of MARCH 5, 2022 whereby the college students descend to the LEARN living education art of real nature, and TEACH together every arc of rainbow people shares this pure sun light Weekend of the WHALE CETUSIAN caretaker of the URTH and OCEANIS where love and mercy only exist WILDSTOCK plant a tree save a planet CONCERT stage IN 'FLORIVA' state US.. MARCH 5 2022 We create a treasure tree ART and attract a FLASH MOB TREE PLANTERS as a kind of RAINBOW BURNING MAN traveling my HEY PANEAGLESONG yutubby g the mail paneagle7 VIDEO SONG Solaris home rhythm paneaglesong SOLAR EDITORIAL JANUARY 20 : THE COMPETITION FOR YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS There is a global competition (war of consumerism) for your mind tech and media attention Generally it is in the form of browser and web site dominion with the major KORPS vs the Independent UNIVERSALS The NU-UNION has the shared tech development projects whereas the KORP COPS Conspiracy owning the SATELLITE transmission SOLAR FIELD These MEDIA giants of Bhellgate Suckerborg Bozzo work AI in Amerizonia Days-knee Maninsanity Yucktub AttAck to dominate all marketing media outlets The competition is over AI artificial INTELLIGENCE and the MEDIA money magic mania economy and REAL STATE IS-land BANK-ing investment property on VIRTUAL Earth They create medicines foods electronics machines of WMD and MSD (MASS MOOG massage and MOOD ELEVATION) AD NAUSEUM Producing the same control Dialetic god belief ideology and consumerism ploys of .GO-VOR-ITS and Real-LEGions of BUZ-I-ness marketing ploys This AI is ALL IN that reflects the ALIENATION domination SURVIVAL and REPTILIAN behaviorism Where we have to comply or die or face elimination of our cherished life saving ideals or human natural and environmental PROJECTS OF PEACE WHY GLOBAL WATER S SCARCE Raising awareness about the water crisis is urgent, but the challenge for Lola Tillyaeva was how to get people to pay attention. Her solution was to harness the power of art that resulted in the art installation The Droplet. As she explained it: 50 YEAR OLD TERRAIUM PERFECT ENVIRONMENT Plants sealed inside a large glass jug a half century ago are self-sustained inside a perfect ecosystem. Is there a message in this bottle for the parched Middle East? In 1960, a heyday for macramé, bell bottoms and terrariums, amateur gardener David Latimer planted four seedlings in a 10 gallon carboy – an enormous glass jug from the pre-plastics era used in chemical manufacturing. He couldn’t imagine that 50 years later the plants would still be growing, with zero input from the outside world except sun and a small water in 1972.

Friday, January 14, 2022


STAR DATE Jan 14 FRE-MUSEUM Solar NU ARC in the Vessel of Freedom PANU verse 2.34 SOLUNAR ARIA sunrise THE DAY OF THE ACTIVIST, inspecting developing and initiating SOLUNAR sunset OF THE TAU URTHMAN, how to build a REAL NU WORLD Moon in ACAPELLA the Gemini and Auriga messenger CHARIOT OF THE GODS Recognizing both the matrix and simulator holographic reality but also the TRU REALITY LIFE IS The SABIAN Capricorn 25 An oriental rug dealer Points to the strength to take a stand, make a choice and accept the full range of consequences for that choice. This indicates a strength of character that brings refreshing clarity in all areas of social interaction. SOULAR DAY OF THE GOLDEN BEAR, LION HEARTED and SNAKE CHARMERS Yes the sun is bright, the light is strong, very hot in the Australia, Cool in the North biosphere But this is natural and envigorating, especially to those in tune with nature The Golden Bear is the strong universal presence of the SUN in its BIG DIPPER pouring its light Let yourself get entertained by the Universe and all LIFE has to offer Build an icon if you will, but make it one of some TRU REALITY, not a manmade fabrication or an AI COMPUTER MODEL which is not real, such as a game of CHANCE, gambling or SIM CITY The prospect IS TO BE AS REAL AS POSSIBLE and certainly not among the enslaved population or prison planet agenda, but this is always our choice, to be EGO identified or ICON DEVOTED or free of all personal literal and controlled IDEALS and VALUES of a personal or institution. Star date #c *Galactic Center g 9° 2'24 24 LEO MR. TV : TRUMPETER PROMULGATION TV IS THE TUBERCULOSIS OF THE MIND Once we had the Nixon Watergate Scandal, 1974. In 2020 we had the great CAPITALIST INVASION and the TRUMPETER promulgation on the white house steps Neither was resolved where the white house leader was removed but the practices of unlawful constitutional ignorance was concerned, as both men were not imprisoned penalized or surrendered The TRUMPETER PROMULGATION is in effect his continuous use of media to communicate his practice and control of Republican mind set and government bodies and elected officials all being held accountable mostly only to the TRUMPETER and his cohorts, including governors and statesman and women who vow to re-elect or at least re-negotiate the renegade practice of law and legal professions HENCE among the effects of these E-CONOMIC Inbred stitutions were the huge amount of judges, devouring social security and parity of welfare, anti-environmental acts such as exhaust auto emissions and oil gas production and mining with no limits or stock markets including the adding and abetting of monopoly delivery systems such as AMERIZONIA and MANINASNITY MERSICK and GOGGLY BHELLGATE and DAYS-KNEE SUCKKERBORG who names cannot be displayed due to the patriotic idiocy act which allows them full invasion of our homes, computers internet and social institutions and media domination, ad nauseum, all which occurred before but must be included in the COVIDITY experiment and VAX TAX Medicine program ALIENATION agenda. This was and IS nothing less than a conspiracy of IGNORANCE, the same which allowed HITLER to come to power, and permits the WEALTHY to make money on every click and haste of speed and WILLFUL force, SO Lets not ignore all this, even if the real cure is simply to PAY IT NO ATTENTION at all. If we really ended the TRUMPETER promulgation, don’t you think we’d all be so much better off. But the only way is to turn ofF the TV, the great Tuberculosis of the Mind Magic Money Machine Mania, or at least stop watching commercial TV, the public News, and the EDGE advertising of the REPTILIAN program for huMANipulation and Alien AI intelligence programming WHY would we WANT the NEWS FEED TO STOP Feeding US?A and Humanity? IS at RISK! Every day when you watch commercial TV, the program of Capital Gain for the Rich is alive and well, stealing from every person and controlling our perspective and attention AD NAUSEUM They are all helping to destroy the natural environment and the HEALTH of every well human being THEY ARE FOLLOWING YOUR EVERY CLICK AND BAIT Using your meta data to access and then program your accord with the BIG G agreement with 5G media program and SELLING points THE ADVERTISING OF THE CONTROL DOMINION dummie down) keeos everyone in the locked box and TV View so they can DOLE OUT and promote their PRO-DUCE of NO-THING NISS This message from PANU GESUS EINSIGN alive and well in Floriva Pott Springs Solarium Gardeden

Monday, January 3, 2022

NU'DE BEACH Blue Pott Springs Floriva BEAUTIFUL

Jan 3 STAR DATE Galactic Center g 8°59'10" SOLUNAR SAGITTARIUS sunset CAPRICORN DOLPHIN MOON CAPRICORN EVE star ALTAIR ENTERS AQUARIUS GALACTIC 10 aquarius DAY OF THE EAGLE SOULAR UNIVERSAL 9 LEO SOLAR CAT WHAT IS A PANEAGLE? And how we can build a NU URTH IN THE REAL UNIVERSIS This article covers the SEER foundation FUN’DER and PRESCIENT OF NU AMER PaneagleNow its 2022. The ISTORY OF MAN has covered the 2000 yearChristian Era, the PI-SEAS age and the former Sumerian and Babylonian, and Atlantean and Melniboran and Lemurian WORLD Realms These were all part of the OLD AEGIS of ZEUS, which created he-we-they human-US space god worship and evolution to genocide ALIENATION warship of the genome coded Reptilian Human Hybrid and Manipulation of the natural environment and the so-called modern Civilizations in the 3 DIMESIONAL and space time material world I am most of us was born in this 3D Realm in many lifetimes of these world culture simulations of reality co-dependent on the same MATERIAL MODEL of One Lifetime one world One body consciousness And unaware of the simulated control matrix and hypno-gogic mentaland emotional body or subconscious conditioning continually supported by thedark lord rats brat pack of Reptilian human dominationIt was this REAL AWARENESS now fully A-Z-AWARE of theUnconsciousness and the full 5D fifth dimensional SOLARITY which is our trueNUMANITY in the Real NU-URTH realm of the Real UNIVERSISThe true NUMAN BEINGS are those willingly AWARE and trulyRECOGNIZING the five bodies and the REAL SOLAR-IS, theISNISS of ALL IS Thus the entirety real NU NatUre in the real NaturalEnvironment is a simulated relation to the NUNIVERSIS which each of usdiscovers the ISNISS we are We can say this is becoming a STAR, a true SUN light is a SOLAR BEING to Shine like the SUN.This is a metaphor like ALL Met-a-for Ideas and as such did also build the FREESEUM, GARDEDEN and SOLARIUM here IS the FLORIVA BLUE POTT SPRINGS and the HEYPANEAGLESONG Treasure Tree and the WILDSTOCK concert of the GreatSOUTHERN FREESEUM In a real way a GOLDEN WISDOM TEMPLE or a house of there is the One and the TRUREALITY LIFE IS And IN AS OF IT IS ON here the exemplar original, such that the NU AEGIS (GE-SIS) Genesis of the Resurrection Realution and Revealation as the EXEGIS Pan ON building and recognizing the real EN’EVERLAND which is no space time material manifestation of the MEET-A-FOR present what has always happened to man in idol worship AS iconic creation which is not TRU REALITY but a marketing education businessreligion government devotion control agendaThis in all art building theatre and current MEDIA MADNESSand DIS-nest claims of Fantasy land fun park and the constant advertising modum of WEB NET fake book and Sucker-Borg technologyWith this in mind, we know the FLORIVA POTT FRESEUM is a sanctuaryor just another Indian Reservation of uncommon relation for the homeless andlost tribes of SOUL HUMANITY we know as IGINAL PEOPLEThe original Americans are one, as Ameriginals, but alsoincludes all peoples now living in this IS-LAND OF AMER, which is from Mexicoto Canada as the 5th root race and ContinentThere are four other continents (continuity settlements) which spring from the original 4 root races, those of Aboriginals, Indiginals, the Afriginals, and Euriginals also of the IS-LAND of EU AF IN and AUS (ABOR and AUSTRiginals) thus covering AUSTRALIA and thePACIFIC, the INDONESIA and ASIAN (Asiaginals) All of us a HOST-AGE of a model to build a trueNU (NATIONS UNITED) as a template for recovering the real NU Naturalenvironment (TAU) and the REAL NURTH UNITED in a whole GAIA of the UNIVERS-IS There are as it stands now only a very small number whorecognize this constituency, the WWWE world wide educators of the NU U U and NUUNIVERSITIS presentationAnd yet this is not a formal organization, or a human socialcultural environmental institution or some public or private government religionbusiness marketing ployThe hey paneaglesong did find out about this NU WAY of the NU U in 2010, at the dawn of the current cycle of the Gemma Diamond (Libra astrological) to share becoming aware and sharing prenaturally the PANDEMIC COVIDITY and Unnaturalism of the ALIENATION project known as the 2030 AGENDA This is not our human destiny, to become android ROBOTicismALIENationsor AI controlled planet or some space time warship planet colonization for an expanding population or an ALIEN RACE To Because the NU URTH is a TRU REALITY and it exists without limits borders or extension from the Earth or solar system universe, except it may be included in them TO see the entire real VU is in-versed or by verse (virtualrecognition) of the Nature that is of the TRU D’ESTINY of TRU REALITY life is impossible for most to even comprehend this ONE URTH spoken by IMAGINE Lennon (LEAN-ON) a disciple of the ONE NAM no heaven no hell being of peace Written HEY PANEAGLESONG 1-3-22 for the STAR DATE SOLARIS SHOW

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Beautiful Our HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Star Date JAN 1 2022

STAR DATE JAN 1 2022 Beautiful verse 5.07 paneaglesong IT IS OUR 10TH ANNIVERSARY about 10 years ago I wrote Verse 1 of BEAUTIFUL for my wife Cheryl She is the QUEEN OF FLORIVA where we live at the junction of 3 rivers in the HEART shaped IVY around the GREAT OAK TREE of LIFE here (HEAR-ART) It is 10 years ago today in our aquarius-pisces DENEB of PI-SEAS Solaris home Cheryl is the Floridian and I am the NU York City Born man of the NU AMER She is the PISCES MOON conjunct STAR DENEB and her SOLARIS SUUN The SOLARIS is the sum total of the UNIVERSAL SUN of any individual position Peter (Paneaglesong) has the SOLARIS conjunct his sun and the GALACTIC CENTER I am the founder of the SOLARIS SOLASTRY and SOLAR UNIVERSAL SUUNS I am also the prescient of NU Amer, the 5th nation united of the 5th root race and the founder of SEE OCEANIS Foundation of SEERS of real NU NatUre We are observing this today with the voice of Beautiful by HEY PANEAGLESONG Each of us is a microcosm of the macrocosm, building our own reality In a sense that is we create our own reality and build it in our own image as a god or goddess so to speak or the SUN and SOULAR of G.O.D. We built here the GARDEDEN floriva blue pott springs and FREESEUM great southern music studio and SOLARIUM observatory and NU ARC vessel Celebrating the NU AEGIS of NUURTH in the REAL NU UNIVERSIS This ANNIVERSARY also brings in the NU AEGIS which is ALWAYS ENEVER not of time space dimension or control alienation agenda or Manipulation This real NU AEGIS is celebrated Dec 18 when the SUN lines up with GALACTIC CENTER the GTC is one of 3 UNIVERSAL GODZ with the MSI MESSIAH and GAP Great Attractor ON this year the former Queen of AMERICA Betty White has now passed Translation is a passing from this body and moving into the NU Body of Light Where she can then approach her choice of what lifetime or Universal she wishes The key is to have choice, the free will, and know whatever it is we may be This truly BE You bet Chai Betty White really truly exemplified plus a true caring for all life, and nature, animals in particular the natural evolution she respected and also the entire social conscience idea She was more than a consciousness, but a conscience of pureness The true ideals of AMER - I Can is this pure goodness and real heart of LIFE It is not wealth comfort home heart or ownership controll or demand-meats man It is not of any nationality pride or religion but a real Universal Appeal and so this is an APPEAL to all men to become the REAL BEING OF LIGHT THE SEERS OF THE REAL UNIVERSIS and the carriers of the pure GOLDEN HEART This is the Hear-art Thou message today of PANEAGLE GE-SUS EIN-SIGNS THE NU AEGIS IS HERE Basically I am saying the old Universe idea, the America dream and the old AGE is finished Betty white represents the end of the last century, the end of the revival of the fittest the television generation and the human social consciousness which has completed it also ends the COVIDITY experiment and the ALIENATION AI which shall not want that is it is all found WANTING and built on desire attachment and control monopoly a foundation which has no tru reality because it is MANufactured and MANIpulated and an environment control as a matrix in the 4th DIMENSIA which is also only a SKIN body like an ONION WRAP or WARP build by ancient aliens the ORIONS and others who are here conflicted or competing for the URTH and this WARship of a SPACE GOD How to say this and still be in HEART and SOUL or PSI (sky church science) and tru LUV is rather difficult because the entire Universal WAY or BEST PLAN is included in this We are in the simulator (Matrix) like observing our television screen as a virtual reality This composition even Betty recognizes as she passes on into her Next NU Way even if she like most who pass are for sure still locked in the matrix and its genocide or control domion (creation) which is of course what we must become aware of This REAL AWARENESS is the true RECOGNITION and pure INTENTION of every being those among US as the UNIVERSAL NU GUIDES and the entire SPEX of LIGHT beings SPEX as the spectrum of LIGHT in the UniverSIS that which we manifest or know as the self same creators of reality which we recognize in references such as SEX the greatest source of Humor and tru Revealation of the IN VITE (Divine) Nature NU NU U U is a doorway or gateway as the BRIDGE TO EVERMORE and the ENEVER (eternal NUMANITY shall discover this and IS in fact the KNU NOW or knowing ISNISS STAR DATE THis gives us the THREE UNIVERSAL POSITIONS in our 3 Dimension world URTH The sum total of the SOLARIS of the GTC, (the sum total of the 1,2,3 harmonics) UT or Universal time is sum SOULAR of the 2,3,4 harmonics Space 4TH dimension the SUM TOTAL of SUN position in any moment or SOLAR minute in time This 5th dimension of Solar system SUN of itself as SOLAR SUUN Here also the SOLAR position 3 dimensions which is SUN SOL PSI of 3 harmonics SUN (1x 60x and 3600x) the tri-body of the body,heart and mind as our position in Universal Solar and Physical 3D Urth world