Monday, February 14, 2022


LIGHT AND SOUND feb 14 star date Video ANOTHER FINE SONG on the Light and Sound What is Real and Being NatUral (NU U) with ALL LIFE Song LIGHT and SOUND written prior to 2000 by paneaglesong eagle works and pandata2000 music invitation to all musicians from this songwriter to play perform share care create use develop transform SAVE THE WORLD and YOURSELF..Be Creative and Live Well sing from the Exegis music series see solrocker blogspot wwwe world wide educators NU U U

STAR DATE February 14 THE REAL VALENTINES DAY MOON IN LEO the SNAKE the serpent of healing or vibratory fulfillment and protection against evil spirits (the mind passions) SOLUNAR LEO SUNRISE of the GOLDEN BEAR and SOLUNAR VIRGO DAY AND SUNSET evening leads the OWL WORK ETHIC and WISE NAVIGATION PRINCIPLES Are we going to continue to accept the authority of big business and newest tech or gov.control medicine and drug dominions? THE PROCUREMENT OF THE FLOCK BY THE SHEPHERD by PANGESUSEINSIGN and more WILDSTOCK CONCERT preview to the NU AEGIS Sabian 26 aquarius HYDROMETER of it’s WATER BEARING CAPACITY to predict our place in the UNIVERSE, discover NU Universal positioning THE HYDROMETER how to recognize our level of emotional commitment, the METERING of mankind in AI terms and control AS LONG AS ASTROLOGERS hold to the old calendar and the SEVEN PLANET SATURNINE SYSTEM DOMINION of the controllers will hold sway and be EMPOWERED by our agreement SOULAR 15 LIBRA is in harmony with the Universal center WOMEN are the Respectors of this UNIVERSAL CONDITION There is a growing conviction in AMERICA of a very controlled influence at work, the SATURNINE conditioning program set in place and yet we also recognize this SATAN program domination JUST bEING AWARE allows love and presence of mind soul and spirit THUS to realize even if these higher octave qualities are not in clear evidence of in effect The cause and effect creation has been recognized, and this CURRENT REALUTION is ON even as the base condition is clearly very human and particular, if not despondent to its real touch MARCH 5 2022 WILDSTOCK RETURN CONCERT AND LIVE EVENT Although the original 2019 WILDSTOCK was posted in AUGUST on Woodstock 50 years on No one was listening and what resulted was the very next month the COVID viral infusion ALIENATION program was initiated This year the event of WILDSTOCK is even more important, and the likely hood of it being ignored is great and the result of not accepting it is even more dire and distressful as the ALIENATION and AI takeover increasing expands They say istory repeats itself and that man is doomed to repeat his mistakes, but this is only the repetition program in place There is no certainty of the end game, but we can say the dissolving of the simulator that is the matrix code program is AS LIKELY as the GESUS return and the END OF DAYS With the general view of conditioned DEATH or REGENERATION into a new programmed species, no one can say the third STATION will not be accepted One thing man has is a will to survive, and this potential to become NUMANITY in the third dimension, beyond the control matrix game is also a real OUTCOME Our choice as beings in the third dimension is always one of these, a FREE WILL decision, a MATRIX CODE agreement, or a VIRTUAL reality acceptance Man originally had 12 DNA STRANDS, long time ago when we first arrived as cellular genome seeds in the WILDSTOCK OF URTH And this which is now but 2 DNA STRANDS must at least re-evolve into at least 3 of not a FULL 7 STRAND DNA (THE SEVENTH CHORD) of SOULAR BEINGS (NUMANITY) The entry into and opening door to the 4D dimension of emotion and astral awareness and influences (INFLUENZA doctrine of the DARK LORD controllers) occurred in the 60’s This original WOODSTOCK revival of the peace love and music or freedom. ethos and naturalism was filled with problematic issuance such as DRUGS, SEX AND ROCK AND ROLL The war being fought between east and west was profiled as the issue which was never resolved, only expanded into global awareness and the context of nationalism and patriotic-oddysey That is the coincident address of a UNIVERSAL AWARENESS being born or given a house and place in the world consciousness, albeit mostly abstracted or convoluted while it must also grow Now into the sixty years on we arrive at the next level rather quickly something akin to the COMPUTER evolution geometrically progressing and universally dominant This of course has been taken over by the korportate state of media money madness and drugs sex and energy consumption and co-dependence on government, religion, and nationalism This leads us to CHOICE again every day, and to the major chords of the century from 1965 to 2025 and the year of D’ESTINY as to the direction in the NU AEGIS towards 2037 and 2060 The Universal DESTINY of man is quite different, but whether human beings will see this in virtual or humanistic terms, or worldly and thusly controlled intelligence of AI is the serious question This year as WILDSTOCK and NU UNIVERSAL DAY APPROACH, we have the opportunity or the ADVANCEMENT alongside the obvious degradation of infra-structure and infiltration of ALIENATION It is wise to see this is history repeating as it did in ATLANTIS and throughout all cultures and destiny of the human condition or WE SHALL OVERCOME is highlighted Just as ARTHUR CLARKE AND 2001 LED US TO 2010 and then 2060 in his books of the series, as well as childhoods end with its space dimension evolution of the INDIGO children into LIGHT This here is the AWARE becoming of the TRU REALITY LIFE IS, or the ROCK WORLD ARMEGEDDON which first occurred some 6 million years ago and again 60,000 years up to our NOW The ideas being used today of multiculturalism and racism, global pandemic vaccination, and economic cleansing genocide popular are the GORILLA IN OUR MIDST and MONSTERS OF THE MIDWAY We are still being given or providing the REAL NU U and NU URTH even as the same issues of human global and social conditioning persist and even expand Through competition media attachment and co-dependence the position of control and monitoring by the AI KOP BRATS and ZOMBIE ANDROID ROBOTICS The same use of tools and language the acceptance of national sex and race modeling and the evidence of cultural conditioning ad nauseum shows the level of AGREEMENT we face So we now have the choice what song we will hear and the Godspell VOICE of G.O.D. and the SOLAR sphere or the NUDDHA sound of SILENCE and the NU U URTH song This month is this WILDSTOCK REGENERATION THEME with the 21 day countdown to WILDSTOCK event on the first Saturday MARCH and will repeat in JULY AND OCTOBER The ASTRAL EVENTS of note are NEPTUNE CONJUNCT SUN AND JUPITER MARCH APRIL Neptune opposite NEPTUNE and PLUTO CONJUNCT PLUTO in USA CHART in FEBRUARY 2022 As the REVOLUTION has begun, which I call the REALUTION and time of REVEALATION, the NU GENESIS has begun Here note the 3D STRAND which was born in the last century, and now includes the 4d STRAND of DNA REC0DE which man thinks is his technology advancement, but it is not. This presented by and the SOL ROCKER HEY PANEAGLESONG on yutubby
As your always right on your STAR LINEUP of positions..this JUP NEP SUN conjunct also incudes a VENUS MARS conjunction on march 5 2022, which makes it a super DAY AND RARE comin out of the COVIDITY matrix and its blockade on the ALIENATION.. but also the break out is about THE MASS OF HUMANITY waking up to the REAL UNIVERSIS and also the great AWARENESS and yes all of those other words which you share...YET the real vehicle is in the NUMANITY or REAL HUMAN beings of Light, going beyond limitation and really showing the great creativity that each of us IS and yet not being able to USE because of the control grid domination which we are becoming aware of as a whole, but only beginning to see in this year and the NEW JUP NEP era which lasts 164 or so years...the last then in 1860 which sparked the first level of freedom due to the civil war slavery and great cycles of invention since then industrial technology and humanistic global...but now its the move to the universalism of the real numanity which we need to grasp because the world disease and mistaken identity of human only perspectives and our tunnel vision 3 dimensional world which is not the REAL URTH or tru UniversIS despite our human literal concepts..which we havebeen taught for 5000 years in some limited form and space god we can become the real creator not just a creator of our own personal experience... part 2 THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY revelation which is that the aquarian universal view of the age of aquarius is somehow of real freedom whereas its actually of the control AI alienation and dominoin of the alien space god or principle which was laid down in the OLD AEGIS BY ZEUS, the old sumerian and thus babylon or christian and greco roman science and religion belief systems of what reality is, a matrix code dominion not the REAL UNIVERSIS which is not a label control system or star sun system either..yet we are only now beginning to develop or realize this REAL AWARENESS of the REAL URTH AND NUMANITY,..this can be realized in the NU U U and seeing our DREAM VISIONS or the SOLARIS the SOLAR ISNISS that is within some of all sciences and astrologies but its really something beyond creation..we are going to come to this far more independent and true fully pure recognition..each of us has the opportunity but by 160 years on we all will have come to it and abandon the old lifetimes cycle in this wide wake up...yes the NU AEGIS IS HERE and as the one universal solarist galactician HEY PANEAGLESONG i share it and welcome all to realize know or be in the TRU REALITY LIFE IS... of the REAL SUUN of your whole SOLARIS...and this NU Aegis NOW on skype invitation 10am EST every day ...(not a sale marketing or religion or psychic development program)... real Universal HELLO from Pan..thaks Molly for leaving this on and reading...sharing if you will...

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