Friday, February 10, 2012


by Paneagle

A hat is filled to the Brim. The Brim is the outside edge, the point of the Ideal. If we fill the political hat with balanced reasonable intelligent moderation, it is a win-win.
Running for President, or Prezedent is easy. Getting the people to agree to BRIM, beyond business and private interests is the challenge. A Prezedent is one who asks the will of the people, and supports for the people, by the people, at all times.
DEFINE THE PRESIDENCY: The President is always. That is, no matter who is President, the office and its power and responsibility reside in the President of the time. The President should not be emotionally, personally, or mentally resolved to self-interest at any level. A true leader is a channel. Therefore to become the Prezedent is to become the channel for the people.

BRIM is quite simple. Moderate intelligent reasonable and balanced directives, laws, initiatives, and guidelines. Excessive, unbalanced, unreasonable, and unintelligent reforms and laws are not allowed.

If elected, the President should support all BRIM BMAPS: BRIM MODIFICATIONS AND PROMOTIONS
BRIM modifications and Promotions are voted for and supported for the people, by the people. By Vote online through a controlled computer documentation, this VOTE ensures REFORMS and BMAPS are agreed and legal ensured and enhanced initiatives.
The following are BRIM suggestions for the FUTURE NOW of AMERICA


Abortion - Abortion roe vs wade upheld (within first trimester) shall remain a viable alternative solution - Birth Control education must be productive and widespread. Men who father children of underage women are responsible for the financial welfare of the child and we cannot condone this form of rape. Women having more than two children out of wedlock should be disadvantaged, not burdens to the cost of the state. The Soul's individuality is defined - considered pregnant fetus of certain duration.
Bill of Rights - Return to actual observation and vitality of first 12 amendments Constitutionality - The 13th and 14th and 15th Amendment repeal will allow Citizens to deny federal taxation, in particular house and ownership. It makes us all rightful kings of America, now owned by the government or the state, as it stands now, all property rights are absolved to the state, if citizens cannot pay mortgage. Even our cars are not owned by us, but by the bank we borrowed from to own. This is not a correct form of responsibility. Center for Disease Control - absolute necessity of protection and advance warning systems in place.
Drugs - dangerous illegal drugs should be defined and criminalized. Dangerous legal drugs should be denied. Drug company manipulation and protection by FDA are incestuous. Seized drugs become police business property and sale support of military. Use in privacy of home only.

E-conomics and Ratiocination - consider relative financial credit system for investment - for example, foreign nations needing water systems are given relative credit based on financial evaluation to provide services and products at relative local rate, balanced micro-managing - payment of debts or investment with International funding operations must develop such inclusionary economics and agreements.
Education - National college allows realistic standards of course study to allow multiple course taking across state borders, online process and confirmations of viable degree correlation. Convicts are subject to education process for intelligence moderation and enhanced reform of behavior.
Federal Institutions - deny excess government regulation. Department of energy, interior, and others should be evaluated, investigated, secured, or ended. Determination of standards of viable economic or productivity functions. Context is business can regulate itself, in general, for the general good of all. Government intervention is only to protect excess, immoderate, and unusual conditions.
Felony get out of jail card - as it stands, felons can't get real jobs. Reasonably, they would naturally turn to repeat crimes. Time served should allow extraditions of such felon restrictions, except in extreme cases. Pedophiles should likely be labeled, and carry some weight of observation, locally or otherwise. Types of Felony restrictions should have similar conditionality. Reasonable cause - a real estate fraud felon can work in schools, while a violent crime felon cannot.
Full Disclosure - the age of transparency and government accountability is here.
Financial and personal criminalization - Those committing excessive crimes are financially libel and lose relative right to possession of ownership. Excess crimes and multiple repeat offenders are the primary (if only) committed cause for institionalism. Excessive crimes are involved in thou shalt not kill, or steal. Criminals need to own up to those they hurt and their families, and have court approved visibility to those wishing forms of exhibitory communications.
Gambling - offshore gambling takes money out of America. Legal online gambling is viable and necessary, allowable within legal boundaries.

Green Land: We must recognize green initiatives - Green includes solar, home plant gardens, trees, viable green business, organics, rejuvenation of soil, the 4 r's recycle and reuse. Government support of pollution free companies, tax reducation and incentives. Polluting companies charged and taxed proportionately. Institute natural laws and natural evolution of solar, and wind, energy alternatives including private home grid energy investment and return economics. Make the consumer part of the production process.
Healthy America - 4 R's include recycle, resuse. The replantation of trees, the city wide identification with home gardens. The use of local farms for local produce. The allowing migrant farmers even by IIS (Immigrant Illegal status) for cultivation.

Human Rights - a most sacred point, that human rights are honored. Privacy of lifestyle.
Honesty and Integrity - Putting integrity back into business and government. Inclusion. Insider Trading - Initiatives for Insider trading control are the same as informed consent. Financial regulations are set and observed. Concept is integrity is natural, Business can regulate itself generally. Excess is the only governence necessary by government.
Internet Piracy - Strict financial burden and personal loss of rights. Some form of 'body tracking' and online registration for offenders.
International Piracy - Terrorism act allows us to prevent access, attack and deny terrorists, protect on sea and land. The right to bear arms is updated, to mean bear reasonable arms. Reasonable weapons are private non-machine automatic. Selling weapons to foreign nations should be banned as illegal and breaking the true intent of the Patriot Act. Illegal Immigrant status; IIS should be employed, but those granted are not given citizen status such as excessive services or welfare. Those of IIS illegal immigrants shall never become citizens.

Marijuana Legal - decriminalization is necessary, legalization a viable alternative. Seized illegally imported or grown Marijuana should be resold as medical marijuana or over the counter, as a intelligent drug initiative. It is clear jail time for marijuana possession is not reasonable. The drug has not proved itself any more dangerous than Alcohol. Excessive use and abuse of any drug should be criminalized, especially financially. Home use away from children only.
Medical Insurance - This vote of the people by the people for national medical insurance. The plans for such insurance must be agreeable to the majority, well documented effects, with adjustments for the plan overtime also agreed.
Patriot Act - Private investigation of individuals using technology for protection of land and people must be permitted.
Reasonable means reasonable and moderate cause must be apparent.
Protect Borders - enhanced computer technology for observation and enforcement Reasonable search and seizure - Reasonable means the current police action and violation of personal rights such as handcuff and confinement for non-criminal offenses such as traffic violations, or driving revoked license, among many others, should be disallowed. TO BE WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE ARE BEST TO BE

Privacy - those seeking help prior to committing crimes should receive psychological and protected right of privacy therapeutic response.

National Vote - The technology for Computer Voting is here. It is time to erradicate other forms of voting. Allow the people to vote not only for representation, but also for initiatives and laws.
Special Interest Politics - Groups and lobby incest is common. Private business incentives for politicians is immoderate, and unbalanced. Politicians involved in such lobby or private motivation should lose their jobs.
Relief from Disaster - Disaster relief should become a vehicle for production, economic enhancement of service and personnel, a viable alternative to volunteerism is financial and service support. This means inclusion of economic credit for providers.
Real Estate - Ownership of land without tax payment. Finally freeing up America right to own, without burden. Incentives for renewal, land or home improvement, ownership of property by the disenfrachised and homeless. A man has a right to a house or property that is unused or unsold on or after a conditional period. Land and propety upkeep safety and restraints are set in place.
Taxes - The foremost sales tax and lottery as only source of government revenue. Government revenue. Executive salary - No one wants to see executive salary at excessive levels. Tax burden to highest end salary. Revoke of income tax probably the people's choice.

BRIM conditions - We realize BRIM is conditional, and all conditions are subject to change. BRIM suggests reasonable balanced intelligence in moderation is the only long term viable solution for planetary and national consideration.

Voting - For the people by the people. Initiatives presented by the President or Congress should be approved and voted by the people. If the majority accepts, laws can be placed, or replaced.

RESPECT for the two LAWS - Richard Maybury from states (1) Do all you have agreed to do and (2) do not encroach on other persons or their property." The 17 words must be applied perfectly, as is. Within these two common laws, all good proceeds.
If it's not broke don't fix it - If it's broke, repair it or recycle it. Most of American's systems are intact, and viable.

The future is ever calling us. If we are listening, we can see this evolution of politic and people, to the best and greatest we can be. Forever and ever.
To the Good of all, may this be the BRIM PREZEDENT to become the Agreement and policy to be for all. Fill it up with your vote. Vote for these initiatives, in congress, our elected officials, in the passage of all laws, and in the Presidential election.
If we each cannot be President, at least we have voted for the Prezedents to come.

Invitation for all: "There is one god, and its reality is! - This means acceptance of all religions, faiths, paths, personal interests, nationality, race, iginality, and individuality. All is Good, and all is of God. The greatest law is the One law, that Law of Love, which supercedes all laws. Nature is not all, but it is prezedent and prescient, therefore precious to human life.

Although paneagle has no intention or capacity to become the President of the United States, he may be able to becomes the Prezedent by which these prezedents can become.

BE FULL TO THE BRIM. BE A FULL CUP. Then you can give to all, without restraint.
email: paneagle for Prezedent google - paneagle7.

Note all the denied reforms are vowels. There is no word that is vowels only. BRIM recognizes consonants and vowels go together to make words, as we put together real intelligence to make Laws. We recognize relationship is key to reorganization, bringing integrity, intelligence, and inclusion back into America, in all forms, government, people, service, and business.
BRIM recognizes Vowel words such as excess, illogical, or unreasonable, are all words that begin with vowels such as these are pre-...... Without vowels we have no words, for consonants represent solid materials, but are never words themselves. Consonants represent material values without spirit. Vowels represent spiritual sounds without value. The only vowel word sound without a consonant is A and I. The I is the ego, the self, the individual. Yes, it is a good thing. But when carried away, the ego is illogical, selfish, impersonal. But if the I is put with a consonant, we get word like BRIM, which combines the intelligent vowel use with consonant as a constant. The I is the changeable part of life, the constant being the material expression. This is the A for action, attention, awareness. But the A has no vowel and means A Noun, A Person or A Place, most commonly, and is not anything but a ...........word. That is, it is not distinct. This means we must apply reason or intelligence, best with balance and moderation, in all laws and organization.

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