Thursday, April 21, 2022


star date april 21 SOLARIS LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE and PANEAGLESONG VERSES We are calling you, the Universe ASCENSION is here, in the NU AEGIS HIGH LIGHT SONG of the NU ARC Verse 4:03 #c *Galactic Center g 9°44'42 A Sun b 1°59'11" 5 58'32" 0° 0' 1" S 12° 9'47" N B Moon j 14° 0'20" SUN 2 TAURUS Moon 14 Capricorn the VEGA star of DIRECTION Produce the music of life and the real URTH will be calling you SOULAR 14 scorpio the SOLIS of GALATIC 42 virgo, day of GOLDEN BEAR UNIVERSAL 20 AQUARIUS where the real universe begins and the old creation ends, what world do you want to know see and be the INDEPENDENT UNIFIED with the NU GUIDES and the GREAT UNIVERSIS of TRU REALITY LIFE ISniss Solunar MORNING sunsrise of gemini the sunset day night of CANCARE The GEMINI birds and songs of light, the evening in the soul of the good heart ON THE NU ARC WAVE and the ASCENSION program of the Galactic Human Creating the NUTRON BANK via the SOLAR STAR LOTTERY Becoming a NU STAR and building the REAL NU URTH SOLARIS'T predicts the lottery using the SOLAR HARMONIC method POWERBALL and all state or local and major international lotteries We provide the winning numbers to our group of world players Become AWARE and RECOGNIZE THE REAL ISNISS in THE REAL UNIVERSIS You are a being of Light. The WORLD INSURANCE BOONDOGGLE
Banking industry instrument of control and domination Build a vehicle that feeds off the poor and disability environment Enrich the coffers of the Rich through insurance and medical food fraud The inter-active virtual bank that prints money to support the DISABILITY E-Conomy The main double down of media electronic banking and cryptic accounting policy In the Insurance circle the middle class is charged both for social security medic-care and the supplement coverage MEDI-CAN and alll advertising delivery systems The interactive governance-business-and supply chain resource fund (food medical) The main idea EXPERIMENT includes covidity co-dependence and convulu-sion of humans and med-tech with both sides played against the middle where the CONTROLLERS live funding both the supply and demand chains with a rich operating principle of CO-DEPENDENCY This continues the business and even religion dominations which hold belief and faith in the same way we are made loyal to nation or race or sex as a conduit of the programmed populus and our inherent need to survive and will to live and even thrive USING DRUGS FOOD SEX AND MONEY and MEDIA MANIPULATION at all levels providing both the idea of reality and the reality we have allowed to exist and breathe in The same model in the insurance field is the food and electronic FEED It is a slavery and insufficiency dominion of DARK LORD BRAT LAW CONTROL (REPTILIANISM) we can see this in every avenue of existence, patrotism and persistence including the fields of glory (religion) love (spiritualism) and truth (IDEALISM) and there is no response or affective unity of mankind to combat ALIENATION This was and is the DOMINANCE program set in place since dawn of Man coded DNA The time of ASCENSION or full human development into a global ANDROID or Galactic Human is here although it seems it may be as much a part of the ALIENATION plan D'ESTINY the true ISTORY of MAN and the STAR ROCK LEGEND MYTH presents and
ALL THE SIGNS Who is Panu Gesus Einsign aka Hey Paneaglesong The namesake Peteoisis Marshallah Nustaradamus of 3 great astrologers THE STAR ROCK legend and the WILDSTOCK concert The 6 pointed star in the 60x SOL CHART The SOLARIS triple conjunct with Sun Solaris and GTC and the conjunct SOL / GAP 26 Sagittarius and 17 Gemini PANU’S 60’s decade progression SAGITTARIUS 19 to 26 Sagittarius The ANDROMEDAN CONNECTION and Betelguese opposite Galactic Center The Great Cross of the Uranus Chiron Jupiter Saturn The SOLAR CROSS of my Wife in PI-Seas the sign of the Cross THE SOLAR STAR and SOLARIS GOLDEN MEAN FORMULA The 3 GODZ and the 7 UNIVERSIS (LIFE REALMS) The FOUR DIMENSIONS of URTH and the Five points SOLAR STAR FIELD OF LIGHT The SOLAR UNIVERSAL SUUN ZODIAC and SOLARIS CALL-IN-YEAR The SOLUNAR 12 hour dayz, 13 SOLUNAR MONADS The true INTENT of the Living One and recognizing the Pure Water (Tru reality life IS) BECOME AWARE of the REAL UNIVERSIS How to Recognize the SIMULATOR OF CREATION The 4d holographic simulator matrix grid dimensia hypnographic experience The NUETRON BANK AND THE NU AMERAN THE JOY’NING REAL-LEGION AND NU ARC SYMPHONY THE NU NATIONS UNITED and the NU UNIVERSITIS How to build a NU Eco-nomy and Save the Pure NU NatUe PRESERVE the PLANET-URTH-Z and all NATURAL Environment

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