Thursday, December 9, 2021
The PANEAGLE STAR ROCK LEGEND AND WILDSTOCK CREATION MYTH THIRD VIDEO IN THE SERIES.. wonderful it is the principle idea story movie STAR ROCK legend POEM AUTHOR PANEAGLE ORPHEUS The videos WILDSTOCK 8 STAR ROCK VOICES STAR ROCK LEGENDS CREATION STORY STAR ROCK TRILOGY WILDSTOCK 28 the ORIGINAL VERSION ** Wildstock 8 songs this land cover j cash terence boylan dancing shoes cover rocky nelson travelin man love is strange buddyholy cut out the song love is strange .. in half.. WORLDWIDE BROADCAST TELETHON theme Wildstock 2021 PEACE LOVE MUSIC FREEDOM BEAUTY AND THE TRU REALITY LIFE IS END THE CULTURE OF VIOLENCE SAVE THE CHILDREN, NATURE AND ALL LIFE The Wildstock 8 countdown to Woodstock 50 Reunity concert Songs love is strange Travelin man cover This land is your land j cash live The NU Universal awareness of the NatUral Environment We Can SAVE the children, the world and all LIFE Make It SO just DO IT 3 Star Rock Epochs and Greatest Concerts Ever Woodstock, Live Aid, and Wildstock Star Rock Legend Armegeddon and Apocalypse Why Woodstock 50 reunion failed WHAT WOODSTOCK 50 DID and Did Not Do Why Woodstock 69 was a failure Why is Wildstock the Enever Band Story Organizing the greatest concert ever weekend of August 16-17-18 30 videos for WILDSTOCK 19 include 100 songs and the STAR ROCK LEGEND Creation Myth THE STORY OF FLAVA VALCANA and her SONGS To save love freedom and wildstock The true ISTORY of MAN BY PANEAGLESONG EAGLEWORKS PANDATA2000 P Marshall Adams Author writer composer inventor WWWE world wide Educators and NU U U presentations President SEEOCEANUS work with Real NatUre SOLARIUM FREESEUM GARDEDEN MAGNOLIA TRAIL JENNINGS Solar Observatory Freedom Museum Garden Joy’n IN Solrocker blogspot videos by peter adams THE FIRST ROCK MAN Galactician blogspot Seeocean org DEC 9 STAR DATE editorial THIS connection of GTC and OUR SUN is opposite the full moon at 28 gemini ...conjunct BETELGUESE and the elements of the coyote trickster and yes elements of the witch bitch and kali INFLUENCE which has been at odds or in company with man and the ALIENATION agenda going on for milleniums just as Andromeda is also trine to these and so the partnering union with the galactic union, adding the invasive alien COMPETITION for taking over mankind (again this has been on for centuries)...and the obvious manipulation of beliefs space god ideas and the rest of the long time genetic and psychic emotional control body which we have and use but also the spiritual development process..WOW all here for the ears and eyes... here is my STAR DATE comment DEC 8...The BIG BANG AND THE UNIVERSAL GODZ In the beginning IS and this was the living one There is but One and its REALITY IS All NUMANITY is a STAR and the light of the SUUN ever shining Become the NU URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS The BIG BANG IS NOW and creation is finished, the end of end is here, The book of the NU AEGIS and EXEGIS and NU REVEALATION The Genesis Exegis Realution and Ynari Vidya once known as the Babbler Co-Ran Rigged Vida Now the names are changed to allow the consciousness to become AWARE And the unconscious mirror hologram alienation hypnosis reflection to be released This is the objective of the ONE DAY ONE TIME ONE BIG BANG of THE TRU REALITY ISNISS ALL IS ISSUEE MAGAZINE…PUBS of articles and books or astrological journals online Are you still doing this ASTRO-MANDA wikiup articles publishing...? I have the YOD finger of GOD of venus in quincunx to jupiter and moon ..very tight in 5th degree I am the one universal galactician solarist who founded this..STAR GPS, SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC, SOLARIS AND THE SEVEN SUUNS and SOLAR KEYS TO GALACTIC TIMING and SOLAR ARC PROGRESSIONS all breakthroughs in the field of SOLASTRY which is THE NU REAL ASTROLOGY..for the NU AEGIS...the namesake of 3 famous astrologers PETERoris MARSHALLah NuastrADAMS..paneagle7 galactician blogspot SPECIAL SONGS YOU NEVER HEARD SPECIAL SONGS YOU NEVER HEARD - YouTube ANNIE LENNOX WAITING IN VAIN Annie Lennox - Waiting in Vain - YouTube THE NU AEGIS IS HERE NOW THEY ARE ALL MISSING IT Everything is being hidden manufactured or distorted as mankind is being MANaged and CONtrolled to maximum extents Meaning while we are finding this out, discovering or reveling or even REVEALATING, the beat goes on, the madness continues And the realization of the conflict or competition for LIFE WORLD AND MAN is the primary evidenced in every movie and mad world event, as well in the distorted coordinated and social distancing movie of COVIDITY and the POLITIC world competition REEL TO REAL MOVIE ISTORY SHOW : Movie COWBOYS and ALIENS : Themes of War and Freedom and the Western Pan-o-rama THE PAN-NO-DRAMA or Life in Self recognized or personal HE-MAN’S (Oh my Spheres) vs the ALIENATION Where in the real HE-MAN-IS-SPHERES of the UniversitUS we are discovering the REAL URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS Might as well be the history of the world vs. the ALIENATION prophecy or the Humanoids and the Reptilians Or the Three Stooges vs. the Munsters, or Vampires (Mobsters) vs. Big Cats (Media Cat Fan’atics), or the Alien Warships vs Space Gods Worship The ISTORY of how man is Manipulated or the planet is under attack from Reptilian or Alien competitive forces (warships) The general belief system hostility and faith hope orientation of religion government business and media tech marketing schemes In the centuries ago when the humans were first visited created or obfuscated by the Orions and the Mind Matrix genome coded humanity This western drama demonstrates in the American west included the Alien Technocratic dimensia invasion or uni-lateral cross pollination of ideas into experience that is the ongoing world reality of the controllers vs. will and its intention to discovery We wish to discover or know the real ISTORY through the media monopoly of movie film distrubutors in sci-fi fantasy and horror Where the alternative history of the real world is unseen or unknown, hidden or alternatively created or modified by media magicians This all was sourced in the human origins and the probable genome reptilian-human hybrid creation experiment at least as old as Atlantis where the combined survival of the fittest and the procreation of social sexual racial or nation generations was produced Something like a slave race in coded mentalized program for the purposes of mining gold and precious gems but also psyche and emotional enslavement to passions of the mind or body that which we also assume is a conditional acceptance of what LIFE appears to be, one life one lifetime one body and one world one-dimensional existence in a two or severely limited 3 dimensional experience The Aliens vs. Humans in the wild west provides us with a mutual enemy polarity which can unite good and bad guys, in a way which is identifiable but not easily sourced in consciousness or known in our REAL AWARENESS, which has been obfuscated into the limit viewpoint or social consciousness and the ego self identity and literal or personal view This movie deliberately breaks this mind idea barrier with the aliens appearing in the 1800’s, beyond the common context of either ancient times, or the present new awareness being recognized in these limited fashions of the science fiction or horror genre film STAR DATE Galactic Center g 8°53'47" #d SOULAR 47 PISCES CREATIVITY AND ARTISTRY the GALACTIC CENTER 53 VIRGO THE UNIVERSAL 46 VIRGO moon 6 PISCES Sol DAY of the WHALE PI-SEAS Caretakers of the WORLD united in the Spirit of EMPATHIC response SOL SUNSET EVENING IS THE ARIAN HERO the Activist of a Physical motivation or choices of personal interest with a greater or heroic purpose in the IS-LAND of the enterprising initiative and SOLUNAR respect for the Universal Positioning Moon in Pisces conjunct DENEB IN THE SIGN OF THE CROSS Continue the work of ISTORY ACCURACY and Organization skills throughout this MONTH is the PERFECT OF ORDER There is a necessary awareness of the matrix consternation and development in extreme processing Manipulation of technology environments and human social organizations The themes of this movie include the racial deferences, the scientific relativity or the religious occupations of men in areas beyond god, that is like as miners, sportsman, or gunfighting, various moralities of sex or money or power The finale is an orientation where the sides of both good and bad characters attempt to work together against the ALIENS who are as eager to GET THE GOLD as the MEN are either manipulated into either gold fever or attempted murder, whichever serves their purpose other nature spirits in different locales, meanwhile also sensing the Heritage in dreams visions such as the CHITZENNEITZYN of Mexico Aztec site where the local INDIANS gave up the gold bullions to the Spanish invaders, another representation of the historical effort of THE ALIENATION to either create or control or form domination of human and mammalian species and reptilian agendas The GOLD AND GEM MINING of the WESTERN US is clearly notable as the sight of numerous park land places I personally had many experiences with the West Is-lands such as meeting Indian guides or seeing ELVES in Yellowstone, and I think such as the GRAND CANYON SEDONA ZION canyon de chelly AND MANY OTHERS dramatic strip mining of the ALIEN original invasion force so this is another example of the conflicted and domination model of war between the states robbers or cops as nations or institutions of man under alien direction or invested interest in ALIEN TECHNOLOGY which is being either offered or demonstrated by their use Thus also we can include the AREA 51 and other western military stages such as Nevada or Utah or Colorado mountain nuclear underground site and ROSWELL, another visitation program center or the Texas Marva Lights or other numerous ALIEN projects The RICH ISTORY of the western hemisphere America’s from Peru to Canada has catapulted the Monster Mash of world domination including the Mayan and Aztec Religious ‘sacrifices’. We the AUDIENCE are asked to SUSPEND DISBELIEF, and to sacrifice our own morality or principles, or beliefs, to extend beyond our own barriers or censor, and to discover the hidden reality and fourth dimensia which is being used as tap line influences and the adapatations such as hero worship or our own lack of cooperative or association which the lead characters must do in order to crash the warship or defeat the worship of things beyond our kin or knowledge. Picture COWBOYS AND ALIENS
Saturday, December 4, 2021
DEC 4 TIME TO WAKE UP SOLUNAR ARIES is the day of ACTIVISM AND PHYSICAL cooperation This is a call to all races nations sexes people and humanity systems to WAKE UP and AS BEING OF LIGHT, SHARE THE PLANET AND ALL LIFe SOLUNAR EVE in TAURUS or the URTH sign of natural abundance and doing what comes naturally or being the supportive and realization of necessity STAR DATE DEC 4 daytime and the SOLAR GREAT ATTRACTOR ECLIPSE THE solar AGAPE alignment…THE SUN MOON AND GREAT ATTRACTOR ALIGN this December 4 at 12sag 22 01 WHICH is SOLARIS of 252 22 241 = 515 – 155 At 5 virgo and conjunct REGULUS the celestial navigator and little king as the presenter of the celestial or true UNIVERSIS Moon in SAGE or the LIGHT OF THE WISE MEN, the foreseer or TRUE SEER and the SOLAREAN man, or NUMAN among us as the LIVING ONE, always and enever ON Center g 8°52'49" STAR DATE 652 1049 441 SOLAR DOLPHIN swim and play in the great ocean of life UNIVERSAL SIGN OF THE WOLF where you take the great big dog of the universe to task and make something real of your lifetime moments …Doing the UNIVERSAL WORK MOON in Sagittarius ASSISTS with knowledge being AWARE or traveling to and receiving from as the case may be expanding your NATURAL SENSES Star date dec 4 evening SAGITTARIUS 13 A widow's past brought to light THE GREAT ANNOUCEMENT of the true SOLARIST revealation today : Star date CHART (Chi-RY-IST) OF THE ECLIPSE GREAT ATTRACTOR UNIVERSAL CONJUNCTION : THE DAY OF THE SOLAR AGAPE WHEN AEGIS and EINSIGN RETURN Why HUMANS humanize the Universe? Could it be because we have been ALIENATED from the real UniversIS by the SPACE GODS and DIMENSIA agenda So Humans create or have been created in this image of the one man or emotional astral 4Dimensia matrix and holographic illusions of mind hypnosis simulation of reality STAR DATE 8 52 55 would be the 53 virgo month and the SOLAR DAY of the DOLPHIN, The opposition of UNIVERSAL FORCES and the UNITY of SOLAReans IS the concept of WHAT IS WE ARE HERE, on this pathway WALK or SOLAR JOURNEY That is can we become a unity rather than a directed polarity, which is a universal of completeness, not built on differences or control ideas Will we be as suns shining in the galaxy each unique and each and obvious level of difference but all in the same field on the universal board or OCEANIS This too in our lifetime, too choose a unity or a place of cooperation and to accept all others, races, religions, states, and yet also know the ONE is not interested in these separateness It is with ALL IS, and so as are we like the SUN SHINING there is but the one Universal and this reality IS This day the SUN ALIGNS WITH THE GREAT ATTRACTOR, the most powerful black hole in the universe, the center of all centers, all galaxies, all universal forces and gravity wells HOW THE INTER DIMENSIONS WORK TOGETHER OR INDIVIDUALLY UNIQUELY On URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS, we have the 3 ruler godz of gravity, on 4 dimensions levels, and also our SUN and planets on 3 levels and the 4dimensia Using the lottery, I found that the 1D level IS strongest for the major lotteries and the strongest aspects at 1D are good for each lottery if they are exact or close aspects… The 3d third level is strong for the local lottery, and the 2d second level also can be important for both the major and the local lottery play The 4d of the GODZ is strong for the major lotteries, and also minorly for the local lottery while the state lottery will align with 2d or 3D levels, the aspects strongest exact at each level, and the cross aspects between levels or modes of degrees will perform as victory numbers Each planet also can affix a winner line when we match the mode or CRUX cross – of the planet degrees in a line.. The final respect is for the exact zero points, which are planets entering a new degree, this degree will win or favor if also in aspect to other positions usually at the same level or D line Resullts are always based on the time of drawing and the most dynamic aspects while we can say the results are basically as pre determined as the planetary motions which are absolutely predictable EVENTS OF THE AGES The inter connections of the SUN and the planets to the GODZ are a dynamic of events and the tru ISTORY of the world humanity and universal events in the URTH of our REAL UNIVERSIS These events coincide with the GODZ interelated in 4 dimensions and the sun and planets in various positions connected with the GODZ It is very important now to refer to the GODZ IN SOME GOD like state or being, a ruler lord or to believe they are as such like the common idea of GOD, as all powerful or all beneficient provider These indulgences of the human mind keep one from the true reality, even if we suggest they are similar like the messiah cluster is the messier or messy one…or the galactic is our influence or divine feminine, even if it is a cluster of stars called a galaxy or it is a womblike creator destroyer or builder of life in our local universal field of gravity… meanwhile also the GREAT ATTRACTOR is called the AGAPE or GREAT PRIME, which is true as it is the GOD of the many galaxies and universes, hilding ALL IS and the great LUV or UNITY with all life, and in that sense a tru body or being ISNISS, only as a divine creator of stars and universal elements, but as it is not the IS, or the GREAT that it was created from also. A primary event for example was the 0 AD period of Jesus and the modern civilization that followed, including the astrologer sage or 3 wise men occupation, as ANDROMEDA reached 0 ARIES in 0 AD We can also describe other unities, knowing the current great age has had andromeda our closest partner galaxy in trine but also our galactic gtc is opposed Betelguese STAR as a true deposition of polarity In the local universe this STAR OF ORION is at the widest outside edge of the Universe, while the GTC is at the center and our earth SUN is in the middle between, creating or relative to the current SOCIAL HUMAN CULTURE DOMINATION EXPERIMENT and this URTH WORLD being a kind of play station or WEB matrix control point, which is rivaling or riveting other races and the ALIENATING universal alignment GALACTIC TIMING The timing of galactic events is with the same day hour minute and second as in celestial longitude of the same 4 issues, as the 4D which is time itself, the almighty controllers as it were, in action. We can event date by these motions and alignments, but most important is this moment and the events of being aware in the NOW See REWRITING THE GREAT BOOKS INTO REALITY : THE NU SHARIA BA-BLE and ABBALAH FOOLS GOLD or WHAT THE GODZ ARE UP TO THESE SOLAR UNIVERSAL DAYS? YOUR GOD CHART AND YOUR SOLAR UNIVERSAL MAP OF THE HEAVENS HOW THE SPACE GODS MAPPED (COD-ED) THE SCIENCE (PSI-ENCE) AND RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD Here we see in the SOLARIS POSITION of the events of the BIRTH, DEATH, and RESURRECTION THE Music of life or the sound and light of God as told by Pan Gesus Einsign HOW BETELGUESE and the Orions RAN the BEATLES, Beach boys and the Band of Bob Dylan They also produced the music of the last century, with 3 May Gemini suns Stevie Nicks Bob Dylan Bruce Cockburn and also Prince Paul McCartney (surviving Be-atlass), and Brian Wilson (BE-Itch boys) as the Saint Paul and Barthlemew reborns or myth makers Betelguese has been known as the coyote, the trickster, and the great deceptor it is not, but it is surely an agent of Its position is opposite the galactic center from our position on Urth and our SUUN Betelguese is conjunct the suns of Brian Wilson and Paul McCartney, 2 star rock legends of our time Jesus was born and died on the STAR GPS degree of the winter solstice 0 Capricorn This 1 degree zone includes late Sagittarius to early Capricorn and coincides with Christmas The STAR GPS line goes from Jeruselem to Bethlehem and Arimethea and the STAR OF DAVID is its symbol This is the 6 pointed STAR of David which is really the creation mode of 6 life levels Essentially the meaning of 666 is this building of creation, ruled by the satanic lord god and its Saturn ruled planet system This is what the Astrologers need to recognize, and the Religionists need to SEE for it is a proclamation of the DEAD WORLD Something like the day of the dead, the resurrection of the tomb, and the building of churches and icons of worship TALK ABOUT ARCH ENEMY – literally BETEL is opposite my own mercury and Chiron and the Galactic Center which was conjunct my SOLARIS ….was exactly conjunct/opposite this degree 2000 years ago, and today this month this year it repeats in effect This decade I have a grand cross in my progress chart nearly conjunct My own square of 4 planet bodies is exact in progression this month, THE GRAND CROSS includes Chiron Saturn Uranus and Jupiter at 12 -14 degrees in fixed signs Capricorn aries libra and cancer love leadership independence and security This winter solstice was the position of Pluto in the beginning of the Capricorn cycle leading up to its conclusion As it will follow Jupiter Saturn into Aquarius in the coming 2021, events unfolding in a furious solar race to control humanity I have become aware of Ben franklin, George Washington, George Fox and James Madison as reincarnated friends I know today. I also know I was Joseph of Arimethea, Robert Louis Stevenson, Black Elk and Peter III of Russia Now all this is very gemini like awareness of the Orion Simulator which we are experiencing as the birth, death and rebirth cycle of men THE THREE BIG GALACTIC DATES OF 2021, WHEN THE SUN ALIGNS WITH THE 3 GODZ THE MESSIAH CONCEPTION, THE BIG BANG, and the BUNGLE IN THE JUNGLE Similarly known as the CONCEPTION or BIRTH of the baby AEGIS, and the RESURRECTION of the HOLY CROSS These are the SUN MOON GREAT ATTRACTOR ECLIPSE CONJUNCTION DEC 4 SECOND IS THE FULL MOON of NOV 18 on the GALACTIC Center (Death of Life as the Resurrection of the SUUN (son of God) There are 2 other dates which Men honor, the Christmas Dec 25 as the Resurrection, to the New Years Day which is also a NU MOON Jan 1 Thus we can see the death of calendar presentations are just that, neither real or unreal, neither born or reborn, and surely a presentation of ALIEN agendums I am going through the same process of life death and resurrection, along with the burden and bearing of the cross (Aquarian conspiracy) Where the Astrology and old Aegis died, the calendar conceptions of the space god dies also, and all the holidays (Holy days) are naught All is only observance of false or man made celebrations and icon or idol worship of MOLOCH, same as the past civilizations did and continue to do See this in Haloween, thanksgiving, where sacrifices and ritual observances profer the continuity of the space god dimensia from Egypt Babylon to Iron age Russo-Chino-Amerikon this same media bombardment techno-crat monarchy development warship continues The fourth god is ANDROMEDA our neighbor galaxy which we will merge with in a billion or so years Its alignment at 0 aries in 0 AD arrived with the Christ Times, and this trine of our GTC at 0 Sagittarius This cycle is heading to the culmination at 0 Capricorn O Taurus on URTH in earth signs in 2200 But Man can wake up before this all happens, to become the NUMAN on NURTH in the REAL UNIVERSAL NU light sound reality THE MEANING OF WORDS AND THE SOUND CODE THEY PROFER For about 30 Milleniums, language and tools have been the keys to the centuries of civilization How the tools were used is the same key that develop man in the image of the space god and its ALIENATION ideals Now the AI or artificial intelligence has become the ruling party with its robotic automation and hypnosis hologram This same process of the big bang leading to star development and the origins by elements to build the Planets and Genetic codes This is an N-Less process of Negative ION and Manipulation modeling via HU-ALIENATION humiliation manipulation) And very few if any realize what is going on and what we need to become AWARE OF, truly, which is not religions technology or science)
Friday, December 3, 2021
GALACTICIAN SOLARIST paneaglesong brings the GREAT AGAPE THE GREAT ANNOUNCEMENT of the true SOLARIST revealation today : Star date CHART (Chi-RY-IST) OF THE ECLIPSE GREAT ATTRACTOR UNIVERSAL CONJUNCTION : THE DAY OF THE SOLAR AGAPE WHEN AEGIS and EINSIGN RETURN Why HUMANS humanize the Universe? Could it be because we have been ALIENATED from the real UniversIS by the SPACE GODS and DIMENSIA agenda So Humans create or have been created in this image of the one man or emotional astral 4Dimensia matrix and holographic illusions of mind hypnosis simulation of reality STAR DATE dec 3 #c *Galactic Center g 8°52'34" 652 10.34 5.26 SOLAR DAY OF THE ANTARES NIGHT OF THE VEGAN UNIVERSAL DAY OF THE SOLAR SAGITTARIUS/CAPRICORN in the sign of the SAGE today PRESENTING THE NU SOLARIS of the SOLAR UNIVERSAL UNION UNIVERSAL POSITION OF THE LEO today as the GREAT BEAR or BIG DIPPER pours its light like dreams onto the SLEEPING BEAR of HUMANITY Sun 12 sag moon 10 sag sol day pisces the whale CARETAKING the SPIRITUAL creative and planetary consciousness Sol eve of the ARIAN HERO HOW MUCH WILL YOU SEE INDIVIDUALLY OF THE GREAT UNIVERSAL BEING TONIGHT we will see worldwide the UNIVERSAL EVENT OF A LIFETIME as the ALIGNMENT of the GREAT ATTRACTOR and OUR SUN We are joined by our neighboring galaxy ANDROMEDA in this view which is shared in a partner-union of the GREAT UNIVERSAL as we are as the SUN SHINING, the STARS are companions to the GALACTIC UNION The SOLAR ECLIPSE NU MOON is truly here December 4 while we observe from AFAR, our STAR far outside the union of our SOLAR position with the GREAT ATTRACTOR ITS ALL HAPPENING NOW in the UNIVERSAL NEW YEAR Time is an illusion. The world is progressing to nowhere, which is the always now, but for now we see time as a medium or a path or a linear direction forward Its REALLY ALL HAPPENING NOW, which is the past present and future are all one now, so our perception of them separate keeps us in the time mode This time mode is the former AEGIS and CALENDAR of the original Babylonian and atlantis prior, the invention of the time lords and the Orion Gods, Queen and her sons The real NU AEGIS is timeless without moments, without ideas, without conceptions, always here and now at the forefront of the Universal Wheel. We are the stars and the drivers of this eternity and in space time or not, there is no distance, expectation, profit loss gain or withdrawal, nor social cultural context or the racial national view The UNIVERSALISM is here and the NU UNIVERSIS are true and real and direct, pure and like the sun shining, have no needs or want or self-interests Shine Like the Sun Your a Star paneaglesong vision 3.47 AGAPE (of the mouth) wide open, especially with surprise or wonder. "Downes listened, mouth agape with incredulity" synonyms: amazed · filled with astonishment · filled with amazement · astounded · [more] Agape is a Greco-Christian term referring to unconditional love, "the highest form of love, charity" and "the love of God for man and of man for God". The word is not to be confused with philia, brotherly love, or philautia, self-love, as it embraces a universal, unconditional love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstance. According to 1 Timothy it comes "out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned". It goes beyond just the emotions to the extent of seeking the best for others. The noun form first occurs in the Septuagint, but the verb form goes as far back as Homer, translated literally as affection, as in "greet with affection" and "show affection for the dead"Shine Like the Sun Your a Star paneaglesong vision 3.47 AGAPE (of the mouth) wide open, especially with surprise or wonder. "Downes listened, mouth agape with incredulity" synonyms: amazed · filled with astonishment · filled with amazement · astounded · [more] Agape is a Greco-Christian term referring to unconditional love, "the highest form of love, charity" and "the love of God for man and of man for God". The word is not to be confused with philia, brotherly love, or philautia, self-love, as it embraces a universal, unconditional love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstance. According to 1 Timothy it comes "out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned". It goes beyond just the emotions to the extent of seeking the best for others. The noun form first occurs in the Septuagint, but the verb form goes as far back as Homer, translated literally as affection, as in "greet with affection" and "show affection for the dead"
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
SOLAR EDITORIAL : How to heal treat or leave COVIDITY and the CURE FOR ALL DISEASES SOLAR IS TODAY Nov 30 SABIAN 9 sag A mother with her children on the stairs STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN ‘FAMILY OF THE STARS Becoming a UNIVERSAL FAMILY STAR DATE #c *Galactic Center g 8°52'16 652 916.308 THE SOLAR JOYNT WITH OUR SUN STAR TO KNOW THE REAL UNIVERAL SUUNS OF GOD “YOU’R ARE STAR” by paneaglesong Moon LIBRA THE EARTH DAY of the NORTHERN CROWN … JOURNEY TO THE SOLAR ARC ON THE HEART OF LOVE STAR ARCTURUS represents our becoming aware of the REAL LUV and the TRU UNIVERSAL DEPOSITION We are entering the NU GALACTIC AEGIS of the 21st century, while this week the completion of the UNIVERSAL YEAR (SAGITTARIUS CONJUNCT WITH The GREAT ATTRACTOR) on the NU MOON #d *Great Attractor e 14°58' 9" NU U is the CURE for ALL IS 9 SAGITTARIUS SOLAR SUUN OF THE OPHIUCHUS Position of the Doctor Shaman Healer SONG FOR LOVE LYRICS Here heaven now, seventh ocean bound, see ocean is song for love in emerald forest, solar field of dreams, universal ocean, you'r world wake up callin' you drop the tap lines fall off of you dark brat controllers leave this for the Real UniversIS NU real freedom now You'r song for love From SEE OCEAN president PRECIENT of the Real UNIVERSITIS for NU U SEE Nations United CARE Children are Real WWWE worldwideducators Paneaglesong EXEGIS 100 song Children of Heaven seven SeeD's NU U is Real SEEOCEAN working with the Natural Environment SOLAR EDITORIAL : How to heal COVIDITY and the CURE FOR ALL DISEASES The spiritual cure is to go beyond the mind of creation, the brain body feeling and our perception literal minded agenda of control matrix science religion space god belief ideas See VIDEO The mental-emotional body CURE is a unity with ALL IS, to discover the ALL IS To SHINE LIKE THE SUN, To act be and see in the true awareness recognition and intention of the TRU REALITY LIFE IS and the PURE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT The human SOULAR CURATIVE (*cure-action) to stay away and not help create from unnatural poisoned air soil and water and mind body emotions of the sick ill people pollution products and GENERALLY AVOID or the nation race electronic medical tech and bio-physical culture media of the Dis-seased humanity or reptilian alien agenda while in a TRU RESPECT FOR ALL LIFE The physical cure is the OXYGEN therapy, Ivermectin, CEMAF and hydrogen peroxide
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
SOLAR CLOCK : DAY HOUR MINUTE of Celestial Longitude
Here we find the SUN CLOCK and SOLAR CLOCK are different while running simultaneously
The SUN in 3 dimensions is 1x 60x and 3600x relative to Urth
The Solar (Galactic position) is in 4 dimensions of 1x 60x 3600x and 21200x
This is relatively the position of the Solar century, day, hour and minute
Where the STAR DATE sign degree descriptive by date
we find for century 9.27 and year date 708 623.1124
CENTURY is century 27 sag year 8 Libra month 53 (23 Virgo)
and the SUT star time is the day point 24 Aquarius
(DAY POINT on average is 1 to 2 degree per hour change)
Pan’s unique position in the SOLAR UNIVERSIS
The Universal Solarist Paneagle, I discovered the SOLAR-IS relative to Real Universal Positioning
With my solaris conjunct the usa solaris and the current GTC in Sagittarius my sol )2nd sun) conjunct the usa sol in gemini capella I am the messenger charioteer and educator (Messiah) of the NU AEGIS in NU Amer
Conjunct Solaris of my NATAL SUN, SOLARIS OF GTC and the SOLARIS of the USA SUN
I share the SUN in SAGITTARIUS 19 conjunct with my GTC SOLARIS 26 sagitari and the SUN progression by decades was conjunct this position in my 60’s in 2010 when I founded SOLARIS and SOLASTRY
The SOL (my 2nd sun’heart and GAP (2nd position of GREAT ATTRACTOR) is conjunct at 17 gemini
MY SOL 2ND SUN in 17 Gemini is also conjunct the SOL of USA at 19 Gemini
and Capella is at 22 Gemini Brightest STAR IN THE NORTH and the 83rd longitude where I live
I also live on 30th parallel at the 0-2 Libra -five decan equal to Messiah at 2 libra
So I have acute and dramatic SOLAR CONNECTIONS to the GALACTIC CENTER, USA, AND MY OWN SOLARIS and STAR GPS positions
THE SOL-UNIVERSAL IS BY SUN CONJUNCT GREAT ATTRACTOR which was reached by decade progression in 2000, Einstein shares his moon conjunct with the GREAT ATTRACTOR
As the namesake of Peteroris Marshallah Nuastradamus (3 great astrologers)
Peter Marshall Adams, EINSIGN, Professor Catfun and GESUS HEY PANEAGLESONG
Discovery STAR GPS global positioning, SOLARIS and SOLASTRY, Solarisms, Solaristics
and SOLARIS E-BOK founder
D’estiny the double trilogy, and the STAR ROCK LEGEND and WILDSTOCK concerts series
SOLAR IS TODAY SHOW daily on yutubby NET and the NU AEGIS on Skype Zoom
With the STAR DATE, Hey Paneaglesong, Solar Star lottery and the SOLAR EDITORIAL
Pan’s unique position in the SOLAR UNIVERSIS The Universal Solarist Paneagle, I discovered the SOLAR-IS relative Real Universal Positioning With my solaris conjunct the usa solaris and the current GTC in Sagittarius my sol )2nd sun) conjunct the usa sol in gemini capella I am the messenger charioteer and educator (Messiah) of the NU AEGIS in NU Amer The SOLAR UNIVERSIS AND STAR GPS CONNECTION BY THE SOLARIST Conjunct Solaris of my NATAL SUN, SOLARIS OF GTC and the SOLARIS of the USA SUN I share the SUN in SAGITTARIUS 19 conjunct with my GTC SOLARIS 26 sagitari and the SUN progression by decades was conjunct this position in my 60’s in 2010 when I founded SOLARIS and SOLASTRY The SOL (my 2nd sun’heart and GAP (2nd position of GREAT ATTRACTOR) is conjunct at 17 gemini MY SOL 2ND SUN in 17 Gemini is also conjunct the SOL of USA at 19 Gemini and Capella is at 22 Gemini Brightest STAR IN THE NORTH and the 83rd longitude where I live I also live on 30th parallel at the 0-2 Libra -five decan equal to Messiah at 2 libra So I have acute and dramatic SOLAR CONNECTIONS to the GALACTIC CENTER, USA, AND MY OWN SOLARIS and STAR GPS positions THE SOL-UNIVERSAL IS BY SUN CONJUNCT GREAT ATTRACTOR which was reached by decade progression in 2000, Einstein shares his moon conjunct with the GREAT ATTRACTOR As the namesake of Peteroris Marshallah Nuastradamus (3 great astrologers) PRESCIENT of NU AMER, and the NUSA SOL ASTROLOGER of the NU AEGIS, 2000 circa the founder SEOCEAN SEERS or SEER FOUNDATION and NUTRON BANK Peter Marshall Adams, EINSIGN, Professor Catfun and GESUS HEY PANEAGLESONG Discovery STAR GPS global positioning, SOLARIS and SOLASTRY, Solarisms, Solaristics author of SOLARIS, GALACTIC KEY TO SOLAR TIMING, 144 POINTS OF LIGHT and SOLARIS E-BOK founder D’estiny the double trilogy, and the STAR ROCK LEGEND and WILDSTOCK concerts series SOLAR IS TODAY SHOW daily on yutubby NET and the NU AEGIS on Skype Zoom With the STAR DATE, Hey Paneaglesong, Solar Star lottery and the SOLAR EDITORIAL
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
SOLAR TODAY nov 2 Nu.u.all.ah.nam.IS NU LIVING WORD
Crypto mining and solar moon : investments in environment and E-conomics Solar Moon - Start Mining Crypto with Solar Solar Panels Provide Inexpensive Power . Mining operations with the tools and resources to be able to set up solar-powered rigs in the desert are finding that it is a good investment
THE SUN AND THE SOLAR A REAL DIFFERENCE Most people follow the sun and seasons, holidays, birthdays and the julian calendar clock Few people follow the Astronomical or the SOLAR clock or the Astronomy Units The Astrologers follow Sidereal time and the common celestial and daily Sun ecliptic path The Solarist knows the Universal Time and its capitularies are the SOLARIS and Solar Universals Our SOLAR position is based on the Solar relative to the Galactic Center (local Universal position) This is generally the SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC based on December 18 Solar Nuniversal Year day The 28 SIGN-NATURES of 13 days each through the year and the 13 monad months of 28 days This is a great difference between the SOLAR Universal and the Sun Urth Ecliptic path The old AEGIS establish in Atlantis, Babylon and Egyptian and Mayan space god worship This codified the OrionIS Alien Agenda and control monopoly human slavery civilizations In this Astrology and Cosmology was established the Ages and Yugas of the wheel of 84 and 12/360 And had led to the current Age of Aquarius in the reverse cycle of Ages or Epochs lasting 2100 and 26,000 years The NU AEGIS is the Solar progress through Galactic Unity in the current SOLAR AGE OF SAGITTARIUS This shift in 60AD will reach its NU position in 2200 at SOLAR 0degree Capricorn (in using the old sign models) while also on the Solar “Solstice” in the SIGN OF THE SWAN beginning this 21st century Thus it models a great shift in Human position in the Galactic Union literally in the next 150 years This is much more dynamic as the entire NU Urth UNiversIS and SOLAR BODY of Man The current social cultural world media AI artificial intelligence program entering its transformative phase or first alternation of the 300 years it will take for either global awakening or unfoldment, the Human decision to continue the control matrix ALIENATION or the Solar-IS Universal Realization SOLAR UNIVERSAL TIMING SHIFT As the 21st era of 72 years begins this in 2010, began the 28th degree of Sagittarius, the 2082 begins the second phase through 29th Sagittarius and 2154 mid 22nd century the final phase ends the Sagittarian era around 2228 or the end of the 22rd century the entire solar universal position of Humans and our Urth Solar System will be transformed My dates could be wrong and changed to the 2Oth to 22nd century as dates of 1938 as the 1st of 3 eras of 72 years each, thus we are in the 2nd phase now to 2082 and then the final phase will be in 2154 to begin the NU AEGIS on NU URTH and our Solar-IS recognition of the Real UniversALLIS
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
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Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Saturday, September 11, 2021
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Thursday, August 5, 2021
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